soil question please help


Active Member
I know miracle-gro isn't recommended but i found some in the garage and was wondering if it was ok to use (link below) why is it usually not very good to use with growing pot ?

i use 10 15 10 plant food. this soil is supposed to give off time released nitrogen. I hear you should buy plant food high in nitrogen for the vegetative stage however all i could find at the store was 10 15 10 will this make up for the low nitrogen in the plant food or will it end up doing more harm then good?

also what else besides fax farm soil is good i cant find it in my area

Miracle-Gro® Organic Choice™ Potting Mix



Active Member
I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend going onto the Foxfarm website and looking through their instructions. That I know of, it's the only company that brews nutes specifically/solely for marijuana plants. They have soil AND nutes that are made to work with each other.

I bet if you took a poll, a lot of people here also use SuperThrive. I haven't been familiar with it, but friends have used it repeatedly through the years and swear by it.

Check out websites, Foxfarm has a pretty helpful grow schedule they post. I have a soil and nute calender I swear by that hangs on my wall. I can probably scan a copy and post it if you'd like.

Don't use miracle grow on anything, ever. It's hard to control and often burns plants. I've been landscaping for years longer than I've ever been a grower, I've never used Miracle Grow anywhere professionally, not golf courses, not college campuses, especially not my own home.

I picked up FoxFarm soil and nutes from a local grow shop. I'm sure you could online order too. Superthrive was there also, so we're giving it a shot this go-round.

What stage grow are you in???

Good Luck from
<------- This Guy


Well-Known Member
I grow in miracle gro mix, and I always will from now on.

and I only use MG ferts & molasses to feed my plants

there are a lot of myths about what MG can do, but I'll tell you first hand what some of the pro's and cons are.

a lot of people will stay away from it bcuz it can retain too much water, it can take the control of feeding nutes to your plant away from you, feed the plants too early or too late, causing burns, droopiness, and other unknown conditions that you can only remedy by transplanting or by flushing again and again.not enough perlite, slightly acidic

some of the good things about it is the mixture is mostly peat moss
so it holds mosture very well, and allows great drainage, its a soil-less mix, sorta like growing hydro but its in pots,it continuously feeds the plants so I can leave for days at a time and come back and the plants wont be underwatered or underfed, it really does promote fast growing, healthy plants, its very cheap, you can get it virtually anywhere

Ive been burned a couple times by the MG but instead of giving up on it I've tried my best to work with it, and maximize my potential using it. Ive found that if you DONT start your seedlings off in MG you should be alright. I'd recommend waiting about 2 weeks after the seedling has sprouted to transplant into MG. I start all my seedlings and cuttings off in Jiffy Cubes,

and wait until they have roots coming out of the bottom

to transplant them into MG,

this usually takes from 10-15 days. about 7-10 days later the MG nutes will start to kick in and take over, but by that time the seedlings will be bigger plants and the cotyl's will be yellowing so it will be the perfect timing to feed them.

here they are today with no nute burns or anything from the MG soil


Active Member
first ide like to say thanks to both of you for the enourmous amount of help you have provided me with.

second,im still germinating,i ordered super thrive off ebay about a week ago (its on its way)

lord if its not a problem to scan apost the schedule thatd be great but if not dont worry about it

and i think im going to put 2 seedling in soil other then miracle-gro and after a couple weeks ill put one in the miracle-gro and ill leave the other alone and see what happens

should the miracle gro that i have be ok?
Miracle-Gro® Organic Choice™ Potting Mix

thank you to lordmilowski and spittn4cash and anyone else who helps

nick :blsmoke:


Active Member
Well, spittn gave ya a lot more info in regards to crop, so that was definately helpful.

I guess I'm just biased. :)