Soil to hydro


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to use a seedling or clone that has been grown in soil and put it in a bubbler set up?
If so how would you go about it?
Bifter :joint:


Well-Known Member
yes it is possible.

remove the seedling from the pot after a good water, and carefully remove the majority of the soil from around the roots. then cut a root cube in half and place the seedling in the middle. then place root cube in growdan cube and soak in a plant start solution or half strength veg feed. sorted!

just take your time and be careful.

if roots too long then fold them over so that they fit into the root cube - they will know which way to grow so will sort themselves out.


Active Member
For this you need to know the basics of transplanting from pot to pot.

-Take the main stem at the base (Where the plant meets the dirt)

-Put your middle and index finger on either side of the stem.

-Turn the plant upside down holding the bottom of the pot and the bottom of the stem with your two fingers.

-Remove the plant from the pot.

Now here is the extra part for putting it into a hydroponic system.

-Rinse your roots gently with water until most of the dirt is gone.

-Place the roots into your hydroponic medium (Rockwool, Clay pellets, Etc.)

Some factors to consider:

-The dirt will fuck up your water pump if it is unfiltered.
-Replace the systems water continualy for the first couple of days to get rid of as much dirt as possible. The roots grab that shit and wont let go. Get rid of as much as you can.

I would suggest using a DWC system for this since there would be no pump to clog.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies :mrgreen:i was thinking of putting it in a bubbler system i have built so i will give it a go.
cheers Bifter :joint: