Soil vs DWC - Your Thoughts

I grow using all 3 -- soil, soilless, dwc -- depending on what mood I'm in. If I'm looking for some fast amazing growth and yield-- usually just for fun -- I run dwc. If I'm looking for the real true high grade -- I use soil. In my experience I've found herb grown in soil to be more tasty and fragrant than in dwc.
its tue to an extent, soil does provide a more earthy taste, however in dwc or any hydro if you flush for 3 days before harvest and let your buds dry and cure properly you get the true flavor of the plant.. with soil as you cant wash away all the nutrients in the soil, your actually getting the flavor from the in all truth the flavor from hydro is actually more the plants taste, wile soil is a mix of the plant and its medium..but most people, me included love the soil, plant taste best as it evolks that true organic kind of flavor you cant get in hydro...I HOPE YOULL AGREE
its tue to an extent, soil does provide a more earthy taste, however in dwc or any hydro if you flush for 3 days before harvest and let your buds dry and cure properly you get the true flavor of the plant.. with soil as you cant wash away all the nutrients in the soil, your actually getting the flavor from the in all truth the flavor from hydro is actually more the plants taste, wile soil is a mix of the plant and its medium..but most people, me included love the soil, plant taste best as it evolks that true organic kind of flavor you cant get in hydro...I HOPE YOULL AGREE
That's a good point and I also think that the wider range of minerals and ingredients in soil make it more able to stimulate some of the terpenes that a base synthetic nutrient line isn't able to. Either way, they're both fun ways to grow.
I grow using all 3 -- soil, soilless, dwc -- depending on what mood I'm in. If I'm looking for some fast amazing growth and yield-- usually just for fun -- I run dwc. If I'm looking for the real true high grade -- I use soil. In my experience I've found herb grown in soil to be more tasty and fragrant than in dwc.
Its really very interesting unwind. I'll look for that as I start my first DWC next year.
its tue to an extent, soil does provide a more earthy taste, however in dwc or any hydro if you flush for 3 days before harvest and let your buds dry and cure properly you get the true flavor of the plant.. with soil as you cant wash away all the nutrients in the soil, your actually getting the flavor from the in all truth the flavor from hydro is actually more the plants taste, wile soil is a mix of the plant and its medium..but most people, me included love the soil, plant taste best as it evolks that true organic kind of flavor you cant get in hydro...I HOPE YOULL AGREE

Agree with most of what you said, however, my organic grown herb does not taste or have any taste that is related to the medium in the final product. That's why we don't flush in true organic soil, because there's nothing bad we have to flush out. Them micro beasties do all the work ;)

Now my two cents on hydro or organic soil.

As we all kno, It all comes down to the genetics, proper organic medium, proper enviroment and last but not least drying/curing process.

So subjectively I say , hydro does not bring out more of the plant taste, it does the opposite, it brings out the medium's synthetic upbringing taste. Burns your throat in the inhale, exhale has that chemical after taste. (Flush all you want, that shit ain't fooling me or anyone that knows there shit)

The only pro I see with hydro is it's slightly faster, and sure it's fun lol.

However I would counter that because I believe it's not natural for a plant to grow too fast, this causes the plant to have a weak immune system, which makes it more vulnerable to pest and disease, thus relying on more chemicals to stop these sort of medium related attacks.
And no synthetic does not prudce a higher yield, this is also false.

In organics, the genetics grow to their true natural form, building a strong healthy immune system from which it gets from the organic medium.

My organic grown herb is by far superior in every way compared to any hydro set up. Sure this can be subjective, but eh, been there, done that.
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Agree with most of what you said, however, my organic grown herb does not taste or have any taste that is related to the medium in the final product. That's why we don't flush in true organic soil, because there's nothing bad we have to flush out. Them micro beasties do all the work ;)

Now my two cents on hydro or organic soil.

As we all kno, It all comes down to the genetics, proper organic medium, proper enviroment and last but not least drying/curing process.

So subjectively I say , hydro does not bring out more of the plant taste, it does the opposite, it brings out the medium's synthetic upbringing taste. Burns your throat in the inhale, exhale has that chemical after taste. (Flush all you want, that shit ain't fooling me or anyone that knows there shit)

The only pro I see with hydro is it's slightly faster, and sure it's fun lol.

However I would counter that because I believe it's not natural for a plant to grow too fast, this causes the plant to have a weak immune system, which makes it more vulnerable to pest and disease, thus relying on more chemicals to stop these sort of medium related attacks.
And no synthetic does not prudce a higher yield, this is also false.

In organics, the genetics grow to their true natural form, building a strong healthy immune system from which it gets from the organic medium.

My organic grown herb is by far superior in every way compared to any hydro set up. Sure this can be subjective, but eh, been there, done that.

Agree with most of what you said, however, my organic grown herb does not taste or have any taste that is related to the medium in the final product. That's why we don't flush in true organic soil, because there's nothing bad we have to flush out. Them micro beasties do all the work ;)

Now my two cents on hydro or organic soil.

As we all kno, It all comes down to the genetics, proper organic medium, proper enviroment and last but not least drying/curing process.

So subjectively I say , hydro does not bring out more of the plant taste, it does the opposite, it brings out the medium's synthetic upbringing taste. Burns your throat in the inhale, exhale has that chemical after taste. (Flush all you want, that shit ain't fooling me or anyone that knows there shit)

The only pro I see with hydro is it's slightly faster, and sure it's fun lol.

However I would counter that because I believe it's not natural for a plant to grow too fast, this causes the plant to have a weak immune system, which makes it more vulnerable to pest and disease, thus relying on more chemicals to stop these sort of medium related attacks.
And no synthetic does not prudce a higher yield, this is also false.

In organics, the genetics grow to their true natural form, building a strong healthy immune system from which it gets from the organic medium.

My organic grown herb is by far superior in every way compared to any hydro set up. Sure this can be subjective, but eh, been there, done that.
Good and valid argument as to the benefits of organic growing. Most growers I'm sure would like to grow pure organic, but most times that is not that easy to do, especially when you want as much herb as possible, in as short of period of time as possible. Have grown soil predominantly in a basement with HID/VHO/LED at one time or another (got rid of LED), I went to a recirculating drip Hydro Farm 12 bucket system (modified) last year in one room, and kept another room soil in 3 gal pots. ( 14 pots). Soil is a pain in the ass (getting rid of used soil), compared to hydro. I simply used whatever premium potting soil that was available, sometimes FF, modified it with lime, bat shit, kelp, and shell, perlite/spit, and that was it. I watered usually every 3 days, with a feed solution of AN nutes at a PH 6.3 steady, and increases in ppm till around a 1000 PPM at 6 weeks. Hand watered, and produced an average of 2.75 - 3.5 oz. per plant mostly Indica plants.
The drip system was 3.5 - 4.5 oz. per plant easy, half the hassle (no dirt) and as far as taste goes, my customers sure as shit don't complain, and I can say that the marginal difference is not worth it as far as quantity goes. Hydro has increased my output by 35%, effortlessly. You want to grow a tasty plant in soil and get maybe 3 zips from it under optimum conditions , go for it. You want the same seed to produce 30% more GOOD herb, go hydro. Merry xmas
Dwc along with nectar for gods. I did plenty with nectar and roots organics. Just lot of cleaning but well worth it
This thread seems to make the assumption that Soil vs DWC is a discussion about Organics Vs Synthetics..
Nothing could be further from the truth, and it's evident that there aren't any who have responded( maybe there has, I'm not going to read every post of the thread however) who even truly understand DWC and its different sub categories such as Beneficial Bac Vs "Sterile" ( a slang term non Ben Bac systems are of course not sterile), and some other nuances within DeepWaterCulture. By the way, salts are salts are salts and the plant does not know the difference. This is basic chemistry. Elements are elements. What is important is what materials were processed to arrive at the ionic form. One could argue that the only logical reason to use Organics is that a synthetic fert company is only required to list the guaranteed analysis on the packaging. There could be any number of filler ingredients. That's for another discussion however.
For the record I run Organics in DWC combined with a chiller. Someone previously mentioned that a chiller isn't necessary in DWC. What an amusing statement. Sure, it's not "necessary" to run a chiller, just like it's not "necessary" to crank up your vehicle's AC in August. Perhaps a poor analogy, since the consequences can be much more detrimental to a plant with even lukewarm water as opposed to chilled. For the sake of brevity, chilled water will hold a higher dissolved O2 content,(which is why solid flow is key) which equates to a healthy root system. A chiller also allows for running a gunkier organic option through your lines without much worry of algae blooms, Pythium etc..
To add to the Poll vote: DWC will always utterly trump soil. Period. There is simply nothing soil has to offer that you can't acheive tenfold in a chilled Res with "Organics."
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This thread seems to make the assumption that Soil vs DWC is a discussion about Organics Vs Synthetics..
Nothing could be further from the truth, and it's evident that there aren't any who have responded( maybe there has, I'm not going to read every post of the thread however) who even truly understand DWC and its different sub categories such as Beneficial Bac Vs "Sterile" ( a slang term non Ben Bac systems are of course not sterile), and some other nuances within DeepWaterCulture. By the way, salts are salts are salts and the plant does not know the difference. This is basic chemistry. Elements are elements. What is important is what materials were processed to arrive at the ionic form. One could argue that the only logical reason to use Organics is that a synthetic fert company is only required to list the guaranteed analysis on the packaging. There could be any number of filler ingredients. That's for another discussion however.
For the record I run Organics in DWC combined with a chiller. Someone previously mentioned that a chiller isn't necessary in DWC. What an amusing statement. Sure, it's not "necessary" to run a chiller, just like it's not "necessary" to crank up your vehicle's AC in August. Perhaps a poor analogy, since the consequences can be much more detrimental to a plant with even lukewarm water as opposed to chilled. For the sake of brevity, chilled water will hold a higher dissolved O2 content,(which is why solid flow is key) which equates to a healthy root system. A chiller also allows for running a gunkier organic option through your lines without much worry of algae blooms, Pythium etc..
To add to the Poll vote: DWC will always utterly trump soil. Period. There is simply nothing soil has to offer that you can't acheive tenfold in a chilled Res with "Organics."
I have grown spil ebb n flow dwc recirculating dwc dwc with organics with salt food. Point is. There is simply no best way the only true best way. IS YOUR OWN WAY I DO JUST AS GOOD IN ANY METHOD SO THERE OS NO COMPARISON ITS WHAT YPU CHOOSE TO DO. It's like asking oranges vs apples. There both good for YA. But which is better. That's a matter of your own opinion
This thread seems to make the assumption that Soil vs DWC is a discussion about Organics Vs Synthetics..
Nothing could be further from the truth, and it's evident that there aren't any who have responded( maybe there has, I'm not going to read every post of the thread however) who even truly understand DWC and its different sub categories such as Beneficial Bac Vs "Sterile" ( a slang term non Ben Bac systems are of course not sterile), and some other nuances within DeepWaterCulture. By the way, salts are salts are salts and the plant does not know the difference. This is basic chemistry. Elements are elements. What is important is what materials were processed to arrive at the ionic form. One could argue that the only logical reason to use Organics is that a synthetic fert company is only required to list the guaranteed analysis on the packaging. There could be any number of filler ingredients. That's for another discussion however.
For the record I run Organics in DWC combined with a chiller. Someone previously mentioned that a chiller isn't necessary in DWC. What an amusing statement. Sure, it's not "necessary" to run a chiller, just like it's not "necessary" to crank up your vehicle's AC in August. Perhaps a poor analogy, since the consequences can be much more detrimental to a plant with even lukewarm water as opposed to chilled. For the sake of brevity, chilled water will hold a higher dissolved O2 content,(which is why solid flow is key) which equates to a healthy root system. A chiller also allows for running a gunkier organic option through your lines without much worry of algae blooms, Pythium etc..
To add to the Poll vote: DWC will always utterly trump soil. Period. There is simply nothing soil has to offer that you can't acheive tenfold in a chilled Res with "Organics."
I disagree -- I grow in dwc and soil. IME when growing the same cut in dwc and soil side by side -- which I do regularly -- the soil plants are much more pungent and flavorful. Yield for DWC, yes, all day long. To every upside there is a down side and vise versa. And no, a chiller isn't necessary -- Is it nice to have, yes and will HELP keep root rot in check, yes -- I've had res temps reach 80+ with no ill effects. And no, you're not the only one who understands the difference between a sterile and an "inoculated" reservoir.
in general i think soil=smaller top shelf personal.grow.. hydro=large commercial grow ops..... dwc king of hydro..
I disagree -- I grow in dwc and soil. IME when growing the same cut in dwc and soil side by side -- which I do regularly -- the soil plants are much more pungent and flavorful. Yield for DWC, yes, all day long. To every upside there is a down side and vise versa. And no, a chiller isn't necessary -- Is it nice to have, yes and will HELP keep root rot in check, yes -- I've had res temps reach 80+ with no ill effects. And no, you're not the only one who understands the difference between a sterile and an "inoculated" reservoir.
man I've tried every method it seems and your right on chiller waste of money obviously if your growing you usually have time. hell dump some ice in there save a few hundred bucks my temps 66.2 no chiller just basement floor got up to 80 once in summer but that was my fault.. imo if you dry and cure properly you shouldn't be able to taste or smell the difference. At least mine usually turns out tasting and smelling 98% the same between water and soil.. CURING is the most important but too many are too quick to get that wet shit out the door to make more money.. water weight is what a lot of big growers are hoping for. LOL