
I wouldn't use it unless you have experience with soil containing vermiculite in which case I would cut it with at least 10-25% perlite and other fillers to give it a little more drainage.
From what I can see also there isn't any food in it so your gonna have to find a good food to feed your ladies with it.. Give it a shot... Different strokes for different folks
Well im gonna scrap that idea and Im gonna try:
60% Promix
30% Perlite
10% Worm castings
But i dont really know where to get worm castings? Can someone help me?
A nursery should be able to help you out. No need to be all secret about it, just ask them.

But you can use this soil >

"But I can't read no spanish." Joking, lol. If you can't get into fox farm a another mainstream soil, you should do well with the soil above. Just make sure its organic without any time released nutes. MG has grown great cannabis I don't care what anyone has to say about it, I've gotten bugs from Sunshine Mix and Fox Farm in the past. Just like people has gotten bugs from MG. But since MG produces more soil worldwide then any of the cannabis brands you have more reports of issues.

Most who say it's bad have never grown in MG. I started in MG only to go more mainstream, then I just started mixing my own. Which is a good route. BTW add 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of Garden Lime to your soil no matter what you choose.
Thanks, Im going to get that soil now. Just because you sound like you know what your doing im going to ask another question , what should i use for nutes? And I've heard mixed oppinions about mollases, what would you say about it?
I grow with some of that MG organic he pictures there... I have never had a problem with it and it is CHEAP. I still add some perlite to it, which home depot sells also.