Some Of My Weed Story's

Smoke Friend

Active Member
Alright, where to start?

OK so i got this awesome weed so i decide to test it out. note at the time i was new to MJ. I made some good healthy food, packed it down and cycled to the woods. I smoked and eat my food. After twenty minuets of smoking i suddenly realized that i was in the woods smoking, this was such a weird feeling, i totally forgot that i was in the woods and i said to mylsef "i need to get home fast" so i tried not to fall over while getting home. after thinking about what just happened i just sat on a bench in the wood out of all places for ten minuets without me realizing it. This is some powerful shit.

Another time whit the same weed. me and my friends was just chilling out. After i smoked it was totally different from the time i was in the woods. This time the first thirty minuets me and my friend sat at the sofa together just talking bull shit and laughing, at some point i was just waiting for him to say something so i could randomly laugh. The next hour was different i got sleepy and i had this constant need to "concentrate", everything was so blury and heavy around me, so when i relaxed and just lay down for myself it calmed down. Now my one of my friends wasn't one fifth as high as me so he kept poking me so i lost all my "concentration".

Now for my last story, again from the same weed. This time i was at other friends and we just chilled as normal. I rolled up three joints at first, we smoked two, a shot while after I'm having the best time ever, i just felt like having a great time whit my friends and almost dance i was so happy. Now one of my friends said he didn't feel a lot so he asked if we wanted to go smoke our last joint, we all agreed and went to smoke it. After that one i couldn't think clearly, most was blury and i got the biggest munchies i ever had, it was so powerful i took my friends 300G tortilla chips and eat it just laying down one meeter in front of him while he said "don't eat it i want it", i replayed whit laughing. In my mind i was thinking that he was so stoned that he didn't bother to even get up from laying in the sofa, so he would never go take it from me. After eating all 300G tortilla chips i went to my small chips bag, i ate that to. After a while we decided to make another joint, so we did. When i got in the sofa again i started munching 200G of grapes. We where all blazed at that point. Then i came whit the master plan to make another BIG joint, (big for me at least), we did, after that joint everything was fucked up i had never been so high in my life i was walking around in the house randomly. After some walking around I went to sleep. Two hours later i woke up on the floor whit a blanket over me, i was still stoned but more clear, after some time i went to the kitchen and found some lasagna that i ate, funny right?

Share your thoughts, experiences and story's if you fell like it. :leaf:

ok ok here's mine me n 2 friends went to the clinic and got some topshelf grape ape and a gram of some niccceee hash when then hotboxed his little ass car and went upstairs and walked into the grow closet and here is how the conversation went

him: you trying to wake them up?
me: no their awake allready
him: how do you know
me: the lights are on that means their awake
him: what youv never sleped with the lights on?
me: hahhahahaba
him: hahahahaha

we Laffed for like 15 mins str8 I had tears comeing out of my eyes

we then explaned what happend to my 3erd friend who was on the couch and he just called us fuckin stoners
So here's mine, this happened years ago. It was my 2nd or 3rd smoke. The weed was really potent. It's sticky as hell. Anyway, me and my friends decided to smoke that shit in a public place. After like 10 mins, the trip set in. Everything was slow motion it's like watching from a webcam. I started to feel numb and I kept on tying my bag so that I can still feel my hands. Then, I started to talk and talk for like 10 minutes straight. My voice appeared so little but in reality, I was talking like a megaphone. Then I started to get really paranoid as if my friends don't believe what I say. Haha.