Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
Nice pic!

Here's few I just snapped 30 minutes ago... Enjoy!!

Come along little wildflower, don't you know that it's 10pm? They're out to get you, they've got a curfew, and they take you to the Starkville city jail, they take you to the ... Starkville city jail. Johnny Cash.


Best weed I grow is in the winter outdoors ... :wink:


Can you tell which spider smokes dope???



New Member
There's a serious study on the effects of drugs on spiders ... watch this and be amazed.



Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, classic, CH.

The THC spider built a Hammock!!!!! Fekkin brilliant. Think I'll go and make a hammock too.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the giggle CJ, here's something that will make you laugh, cry, or go -ooooh. White people in Africa - Warning - don't fall asleep in the sun!!!




New Member
Oh, I've been there ... :lol:

Not for a long time now tho .. I learned my lesson.

Beach = Sun, sand, sweat, & salt. What a combination!!


Well-Known Member
being badly sunburnt sucks ass!, i was burnt in venezuela and it made me sick or somehtin felt like i had fever and was sweatn all night couldent sleep. has that ever happend to anybody


Well-Known Member
being badly sunburnt sucks ass!, i was burnt in venezuela and it made me sick or somehtin felt like i had fever and was sweatn all night couldent sleep. has that ever happend to anybody
Yup, sounds like Sun stroke, it's amazing how it totally does you in. I got it out in the Far East once, I was cabbaged for 24 hours. Just drank isotonic juice and eventually I came round....scary stuff though indeed.


Well-Known Member
yea it was bad. alright good to kno theres a name for that and that im not the only one, cuz i never experianced that but i knew it had to be from the sun. wont do that again.


New Member
I had sun poisoning when I was a youngster. The very next day ( we were all in Florida visiting my Grandparents), my cousin Kim, who is a great gal, runs into my bedroom and JUMPS on me not knowing what happened.

I cried like a baby!!! I'll admit that much ... :lol:


Well-Known Member
yea it was bad. alright good to kno theres a name for that and that im not the only one, cuz i never experianced that but i knew it had to be from the sun. wont do that again.
that's what i thought, but 15 years later, and I end up like that. Ah well...
Sun stroke is a bitch. basically your body is just burning up, :fire:your bubbling. Your body is using all your moisture and fluids to cool the skin and internal organs. Bam, just like our good friends MJ, you wilt and die...I am a lot more cautious now bru, I can tell ya.
I had sun poisoning when I was a youngster. The very next day ( we were all in Florida visiting my Grandparents), my cousin Kim, who is a great gal, runs into my bedroom and JUMPS on me not knowing what happened.

I cried like a baby!!! I'll admit that much ... :lol:
Family, you gotta love them!

And this was another mad looking road sign in Austria. Not how we would spell it in Dutch, but basically the same. (but then Dutch is lower German, according to the Germans, but then the Swiss talk Higher German...whatever)
She looks kinda holy, like she's in a choir...



Well-Known Member
See? I do know the Dutch... :wink:

Heh! Prediction: u'll get the bikes back before the gold...
That's for sure. This accountant I use to deal with was telling me all about the very old tax and monetary laws that have been made between Switzerland and the Netherlands. Some dodgy stuff has gone on there!!