Some seedling help


My thought was new growth comes from the top (which is healthy) and since I just started dialing in the right feed it might just be theirs old dead leaves from the beginning of the grow just dying?


Well-Known Member
Are those rapid rooters? Have roots started coming out of the holes on the bottom of the pots?

6.4 is high for coco. I run at 6.0 and others run lower.

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
I came home from work and found some grey spots pop up on some of my seeds. I’m not sure what it is. I feed them daily with ph water at 6.4 with some light nutes. There grown in coco perlite. The lights have been on for 24 hours for about two weeks now and the humidity is around 65%. Any thoughts would be appreciated
Definitely some kind of deficiency — it would become visible on the lower leaves first as the plant cannibalizes them for nutrients. I don’t go down that coco route, seems like everyone that does runs into problems. There’s a chart floating around here that shows the leaf symptoms of various deficiencies. From my recollection yours might fit manganese but I’d try to find the chart rather than rely on my hazy recollection.


Well-Known Member
you don't have to be a nervous nelly watering youngins in coco, the more wet cycles in coco the more available oxygen, you should soak through daily , small container and warm temps might need 2x


I do feed cal mag and I water to run off at least once maybe twice a day. Rapid rooters are still in there but it’s in a 1 gallon of coco