Some seedlings grow really slow compared to others, should I get rid of them ?


all seeds are from the same source and are being grown under the same condition. so while others have become twice in size some are still small. is that bad genetics ? should I dispose them and plant new seeds instead ?


Well-Known Member
If you're very limited on space you might consider it, but I have 2 going right now that started out as runts, and then just blew up when I put them outdoors. What kind of soil are you using. Some plants are more sensitive to nutes than others. Pics would help.


Active Member
There is a noticeable difference in growth rates between male and female. Best to grow them out to see what you have.


Well-Known Member
There is a noticeable difference in growth rates between male and female. Best to grow them out to see what you have.

good advice :cool:

tho .. if it is Femi seeds and your are limit on space and have more seeds I would maybe consider it ..

I startet out two Femi Kush plants .. and one lookd realy good .. other one seems a bit light green and leaves was a littel .. hmm wierd ..
I keepd boath and is 3 weeks in to flowering .. boath will do fine Im sure ... but all the way from the start and uptill now (67 days) the "bad" looking have been looking less helthy then the other .. been growing slower and is smaller and still have a more light green couler ..

with that said .. I actualy think its flowers look bigger ? might just be Bc. I FIM the other one and only LST the "bad" looking one ?
but Im pretty sure the "bad" looking one will yild less .. quality .. only time will tell ;)

I will have space for 4 plants on my next runn .. and even if seeds do cost me a littel I will consider to trow a plant out at seedling and start another one if I see the same agin .. as I also had most problems with the "bad" looking one doing my grow .. the helthy looking one just grew and grew ..


Well-Known Member
I grew a freebie critical+. It sprouted in a couple days and then it went into complete RUNT MODE for a month or so. Almost threw it out because it was litterally only 3" with 3 sets of leaves and wasn't getting bigger. Than one magical day it started to grow up. After topping and LST, I ended up with a 4 1/2' MONSTER that gave 6 1/2 zips dry...Just leave it to veg if you have the space of course. It will do its thing eventually. good luck


Well-Known Member
They still are females and males, just because one is shorter then the other one it doesent necessarily mean its bad genetics its probably just a female, males tall with not much clevage, females small and busy....Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
some just take awhile to kick off. i sent my buddy some white widow seeds and they were small and barely grew at all for the first month of growth than they took off and turned into huge bushes


Well-Known Member
I planted three seeds the other day in the same dome, last wed, as of today one is four inches and there is no life from the other two at all. Same batch of fem seeds, same soil same dome, same water, same light. Just the way it is I guess. I plant a lot of veggies, all from seed, tomatoes for example, this year I got five foot plants and two foot plants, I got small plants that have big yield and big plants that have little to no yield at all. Conditions are the exact same for all, soil, sun, water all exactly the same

Just nature.


Well-Known Member
yea I guess like with us .. some are short some high and some good yilding :D

tho Im mostly high ..