somebody please identify this problem!

I'm using smart pots so no drain holes. And the problem keeps spreading up the plant that's why I'm still trying to figure it out. it only seems to be spreading to other fan leaves. Its not affecting the new shoots at all. hmmm. also the stems of all the fan leaves are red/purple. idk if that means anything
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Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Man I have to be honest, it can be plenty of things, like rust, disease, hard water, the fan being to close. Its endless. The stem turning colors that way can also mean its pretty cold at times. Sorry I can't help, you just need to track everything that way you know what not to do next grow. Hopefully someone has a response and can help your plant. That feeling of it dying sucks.
its just a bummer it happened to the feminized plant lol. If the other one was a for sure female id just toss the problem plant and focus on one ya know

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
If you want Guaranteed results for feminized, use hydroponics. Have a good room temp, good pH level, ppm level, good nutes, proper disease and pest control, ventilation room, journal, clean room, good humidity level, plenty of fresh water, good light source, cfl will work just fine. You can do all this at an inexpensive price. Home depot has a lot of useful cheap stuff so you can build a nice tent. Or cardboard with good dark plastic. I use the general hydroponics complete waterfarm. It was 60 bucks, came with bucket resovoir, water drip system, 3base nutes, air pump, pebbles, all for 60 bucks. You can easily build one. Go on youtube. Be sure to control the environment around your plant, that is the most crucial part. Stay away from soil. Its doable man, if they can do it so can you. Just be smart and patient. Do your research.
I spent all my budget on the set up I have now so switching to hydro is not even close to an option for me. I'm fine with soil eventually Il get in the swing of things. I need to get a digital ph meter though. I'm using the general hydro ph bottle thing and the color looks different in every room u check it in so I never know what to do with it. -___- not happy with this

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Just remember, if its yellow, you're fine. Yellow is good. Yellow greenish is bad, doable, but bad, orange yellow is bad. Yellow is the best, doesn't matter what yellow. You got it man, don't doubt it, its easy.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I think that the leaves got wet with something and the light and fan crisped it up real nice. Keep your leaves dry and stop worrying
I think that the leaves got wet with something and the light and fan crisped it up real nice. Keep your leaves dry and stop worrying
that doesn't keep the pattern of it spreading though. I've also been super careful to wipe off any drops that get on leaves during water time. The problem does seem to be slowing down a bit so its either the higher lights the less wind the more humidity or better ph that is fixing it lol. I think my conditions just needed some fining tuning to sort everything out :). I really do appreciate all your guys advice though. I tend to be an over anxious person and every dot is bugging me out so being reminded to just take it easy and relax is very helpful! Rollitup rocks :D