Someone help!!! yellowing leaves at bottem during veg!! Has pics!!


ok so i looked this up and keep getting different answers everywhere I look even on this site. This is my second grow, first a total failure! I spent more money this time around. Here's what i'm working with.

light 1000w mh/hps non-air cooled
grow tent 7ft by 7ft indoor
soil - fox farm
nutes - fox farm
humidity- 30% (with humidifier running)
ph- 6.5
temp 75-80 with a/c
seeds - 2 midnight kush, 2 jack47, 1 liberty haze, 2 free seeds all female.

It has been about 7weeks since I first planted. Just started nutes about 3 weeks ago, every other watering. Watering about every 4 days or until the soil is dry. the first 2 times I gave them nutes I missed read and gave a little to much so this could be the problem. I'm just trying to make sure cause I have no idea what is going on. Only a couple of the plants are doing this.
Can someone please at least send me in the right direction?