Someone please take a sec. to look at my grow


Active Member
I have started a grow about 3 weeks ago, they are doing fine, i used the FIM method on my larger plant and the smaller one I have left alone, Anyone that could give me some feedback/advice/critique/anything would be greatly appreciated

Here are some pics...sorry i am lazy lol.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you are chopping off the end of your leaves? If youre not and they are drying out back off the nutes or cool the room down a bit.


Active Member
Posted the pics, and yes i cut the leaves so I could get my 70 watt hps little p.o.s. bulb (it was free) to get maximum use out of the little wattage.


Well-Known Member
Posted the pics, and yes i cut the leaves so I could get my 70 watt hps little p.o.s. bulb (it was free) to get maximum use out of the little wattage.
the first pic has brown leaf tips... the 2nd and 3rd pic shows leaves with the tips snipped off.

Maybe you're overwatering slightly?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how cutting your leaves would increase the efficiency of your light?