SOOoo to supercrop, top......or not?? (think im running out of space?) PICS*

so i have these nice looking bubbas' right here and i dont know if i wanted to try one of these techniques being that this is my first grow?? but theyre looking great to say the least! i just feel like i may run out of room? they range from about 15"-17" inches, top of tent is a little over 6feet?? im DEFINETLY flipping 12/12 switch today


link to my jornal is in my siggy

allen bud

Active Member
should'nt be a problem.if you were planeing on going to flower soon anyway ,its to late to top and or supercrop. recovery would take 2 weeks about . And being first grow i let em go. but i would cut that shwaggy small stuff off of the bottoms,it would be a little shock but not bad.
meaning those fans leaves laying at base on soil right? going to do so as soon as i post reply. figure they are wasting more energy than absoring


Well-Known Member
meaning those fans leaves laying at base on soil right? going to do so as soon as i post reply. figure they are wasting more energy than absoring
i disagree, those fans are getting plenty of sunlight (right now). I would only pic off leafs when they are shaded and not receiving light anymore.
Well I super cropped one branch from the scrawniest plant I have lol hey u have to try something in order to learn right? Pretty much I squeezed it till I heard a pop and pulp juice squirted and bent it over.....if that branch ends up coming out fine then I know for the next go round.

As far as prunning I thought the whole idea was for the smaller leaves to get pruned away so it doesn't bother with abosorbing energy and building they're site where no useable bud will be? If someone told me these puny leaves sends energy throughout the rest of plant then yeah I probably wouldn't prune

allen bud

Active Member
I would it wil take a while before you see the effect of suppercroping. i have been supercroping for years and will say indica domanant verieties react better to suppercroping then setiva domanant.just to let you