Sounds crazy but how do I score in Portland., OR?


Active Member
Hey Y'all,

I'm flying up to Portland oregon in a couple weeks. Problem is, I don't know anyone there who smokes, and I do not have the time or money to get a card (I'm there for the weekend). how do I score some herb for the weekend? It's gotta be all over the place, but I dn't know the "cool areas" to go, nor who to approach. I'm not looking for specific names or hookups, and no, I am not a narc. (I am soooooo not a cop!!) I just want to know how other people have had success so I'm not running around making an idiot of myself. Any advice would be appreciated!


Active Member
go to the corner of 5th av and paradise. there will be a guy in a red shirt thats says legalize. ask him. hell hook it upp.

only kidding my friend no one ever responed to these post tbh.. i tried doin on when i went to canada.
i had luck by searching craigslist.. lol
try it maybe itll help. just my .03 cents


Active Member
unless youre a retard leper or something ask someone who looks like a stoner where to get some damn bud it aint that hard. when i was 15 i went to montreal for a week on a camping trip asked some guy off the street bam 10 mins later had an eighth of northern lights in my pocket.


Active Member
OK guys thanks sorry for having to ask such an elementary question but I have been supplying myself for so long that I don't usually have to look around and ask random stoners, but it certainly does make sense.


Well-Known Member
Hang at the local greyhound bus stop. Plenty of people to trade favors for there LOL!

Sorry, just fucking with you. I always get nice green in Toronto by asking the street kids for a bag. Never takes me more than an hour, and it's always killer.


Well-Known Member
go to waterfront park in downtown portland, and look for the right looking people sitting on the benches, you'll have some in 5 minutes usually. you'll usually get ripped off in terms of quantity, but not usually quality. if you can't get a good look at what's in the bag first, don't do it.

also, after procuring your product, ask the dude if his name is doug. if he says yes, tell him he still owes me $300. fucking ass hole.