sour diesel, blue widow, jack the ripper, 400w mh


alright so i have 1 of each of SD, BW, and JTR clones all organic not sure how old they are, haven't been keeping to good of track just been to busy, they are at least 30 days.
i have them under a 400w mh 24/0 im using general organics bio thrive 4-3-3 3tsp/gal and 12 drops roots excel/gal in roots organic soil ive been trying to make em bush out im still pretty new to growing so if you have any suggestions they would be much appreciated, this is my 4th grow heres some pics
PICT0007 800.jpgPICT0004 800.jpgPICT0006 800.jpg
this is the sour d from clone

PICT0008 800.jpgPICT0009 800.jpgheres the jack just staked it down,

PICT0010 800.jpgPICT0011 800.jpgand lastly the blue widow the youngest shes only 3 weeks
thats all i got for now guys let me know what you think and any suggestions you have :bigjoint:


as you can see i have some sad leaves and some powdery mildew on my blue widow i heard that neem oil works well to treat milder anyone have input on that?
as far as the curling/browning leaves what could cause this ? any ideas?
my other plants are fine so whats up with this one?


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure what causes that leaf problem but I to have heard that neem oil works Good also if your still on 24/0 I'd go to 18/6 you will notice a big difference in growth


I'm still running 24/0 was thinking about switching to 18/6 a but im worried about the temps at night , it gets pretty cold without the light on, ill stop by a hard ware store and pick up an electric heater at some point.
thanks for the input german.
i re-organized my grow closet for a better set up more organized and all the plants are off the floor now.
im gonna set up a scrog for this grow and see what happens this will be an experiment seeing as ive never done it before!
ill get some new pics up later for ya