sour diesel, is this a male???


Active Member
I have 4 blue cheese female and 1 sour diesel seed that i didnt know...coming up on the 1 1/2 weeks of 12/12 and the blue cheese are looking good. I think the sour diesel is going to be male. still no real signs of female hairs yet. what do you think????

if it is male how would i cut the plant down in a dwc setup. will the roots dye and rot in the water, they will be fine....

the pics are all sour diesel except for the blue cheese female hair...



Active Member
it is, thats the blue 2,3 are the sour...waiting it out another few days before i cut it down...


Active Member
looks like male to me ... i would still wait a bit though just to be sure... not like they are going to crack open in the next week


Active Member
thats what i was thinking....what about when and if i cut it bad will it be to have the dying roots in the dwc with the good plants...


Active Member
thats what i was thinking....what about when and if i cut it bad will it be to have the dying roots in the dwc with the good plants...
i have never done a dwc grow, but i would assume that the roots would start to rot within a few days.....


Well-Known Member
lol, I almost didnt catch that pic 4 was a confirmed gal and not the other one, kinda sucks, was hoping we could give you some good news when i saw that pic.


With care, you can work most of the roots out of the root mass without too much stress on the other plants. This is simpler if the roots are covered in water when you shake and pull on them gently (more shake then pull). Do this as soon as you cut the male down as rotten roots will start to clump together and it then gets pretty impossible.


i have a new sour plant thats 7 weeks old, its outdoor now for the past 3 weeks, i have this weird feeling its a male, in my 15yrs of doing this i personally haven't had a male plant in my grows, only when I'm working in someones grow or they used a new source for clones/seeds. Point is i can't spot them as quickly as someone else??? maybe its too soon to tell, anyone have any in-site to spotting males??? even if it is a male i will grow it for the seeds and use the left over plant matter for GOO, or KEIF.. if anyone has a pointer or 2 let me know thanks



I have 4 blue cheese female and 1 sour diesel seed that i didnt know...coming up on the 1 1/2 weeks of 12/12 and the blue cheese are looking good. I think the sour diesel is going to be male. still no real signs of female hairs yet. what do you think????

if it is male how would i cut the plant down in a dwc setup. will the roots dye and rot in the water, they will be fine....

the pics are all sour diesel except for the blue cheese female hair...
They are showing signs of female with the hairs just make sure the light only stays on for 12 hours any longer it will confuse the plant to switch back to veg and if u don't save it in time it will stunted growth for 6 weeks and then would have to worry about a hermaphadite


Well-Known Member
I have 4 blue cheese female and 1 sour diesel seed that i didnt know...coming up on the 1 1/2 weeks of 12/12 and the blue cheese are looking good. I think the sour diesel is going to be male. still no real signs of female hairs yet. what do you think????

if it is male how would i cut the plant down in a dwc setup. will the roots dye and rot in the water, they will be fine....

the pics are all sour diesel except for the blue cheese female hair...
WAIT WAIT WAIT i have the same strain atm in flower 2 weeks they grew these big ass pollan sack looking thing i was dead set 100% it was male till last night when they split open and all these white hairs were poking out of em i think it that strain man as i have 3 other strains that sexed about a week ago


Well-Known Member
i have a new sour plant thats 7 weeks old, its outdoor now for the past 3 weeks, i have this weird feeling its a male, in my 15yrs of doing this i personally haven't had a male plant in my grows, only when I'm working in someones grow or they used a new source for clones/seeds. Point is i can't spot them as quickly as someone else??? maybe its too soon to tell, anyone have any in-site to spotting males??? even if it is a male i will grow it for the seeds and use the left over plant matter for GOO, or KEIF.. if anyone has a pointer or 2 let me know thanks
Ok bro, number 1 it's not the male that grows seeds why does everyone think this the male produces pollen that when comes in contact with the female seeds are made,
Number 2 there is no sign of sex in any of them pics so just chill and it will show you one day ( if it's a male you won't miss it )
And finally number 3 if it is a male the left over plant matter will be pretty much useless for making goo or KEIF they produce very very little THC



Ok bro, number 1 it's not the male that grows seeds why does everyone think this the male produces pollen that when comes in contact with the female seeds are made,
Number 2 there is no sign of sex in any of them pics so just chill and it will show you one day ( if it's a male you won't miss it )
And finally number 3 if it is a male the left over plant matter will be pretty much useless for making goo or KEIF they produce very very little THC
thanks, i do realize it was early i apologize…never mind that i guess, however i have now hit an actual snag with my 2 purples, i think it was a barrel of skunked nutes? it was an accident that they got watered with it, so when i waterd them it was basically a few hours and then they started spotting, browning and curling up. never hit plants with a nute burn this bad, i have bought clones that were suffering from similar issues, nute burn and PM. i turned them around and harvested well indoor..
this is all outdoor, so i just want to know if you or anyone else has seen this happen and bounce back, are there any additives that may counter this? i have always rinsed with water, in this case i made a barrel of 12 gallons of wage Ph'ed to 6.0, i ran it and i hope this has stopped it, should i run more, and just rinse them silly? or go with the 12 gallons and wait? we are in the 105's daily so the water will evaporate and process pretty fast…this may be a rookie mistake i know and i do have confidence in my ability, i just haven't ever burned everything so bad that i created deadloss i will immediately need to remove!!!! if you can please give me a title input.. i know some of the ?'s are maybe lame for full-time growers, when I'm in the business i get pretty engulfed and find issues that seam simple to be annoying. these days i am more of a hobby grower so some of the new stuff I'm not up on…. thanks charlie kon

