Speakerbox Grow?


Well-Known Member
i have a extra speakerbox that im not using anymore, so i thought i might be able to use it to grow indoors... but im not sure if it would be any good. so if any1 knows if it would work - let me know!

also, im pretty new at this, so if you guys could let know everything i would need to have a decent grow, share the knowledge:peace:



Well-Known Member
alright, cool. so it should work...

but does any1 else know what i need to make the box complete?
Minimum of three fans.

One intake, one out take.
Another inside to keep the air blowing about.

(it moves the plants amd helps stimulate stronger growth. )

Either paint the entire inside white, mylar or poly cover it.

Get yourself a fair few CFLs and you're good to go.

Try making the top hole smaller, but use it for the wires.

check out the picture attached to get a good idea where to place the fans.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that the lower fan is intake.
You know, convection?

Hot air rises, only logic to vent out from the top where the hot air will congregate. :)

Start a grow journal of your grow.
Would be nice to see how you transform this speaker box.


Active Member
you can either screw on a small board of wood to cover the holes but if you dont wanna go thru all that trouble duct tape is always a solution


Active Member
also since you'll be dealing with a sealed box (unless you cut out one side and use it as a door) it would help to use hydroponics since manually watering your plants everyday wont be required.


Well-Known Member
I'd cut the entire front off and put a new board over it, on hinges.

Get some of that foam and glue it round the edges of the box and the 'door.'
Stick a lock on it and there you have it.
That way you'll be able to get to your plant easily.


Active Member
ya arrid's idea is a better option. the only downside is the extra work you'll have to put in but it will be worth it when you can easily open up the front of the box.


Well-Known Member
How stealth does ti need to be? I would use it with it standing up so you have maximum height but you will only be able to grow a max of like 2 plants. that the hole on top, cut it bigger and put a computer fan on that. then cut a hole near the bottom for an intake fan. I would just cut between the speaker holes so its on large oval. hang the lights from the ceiling of the room in a way that you can adjust them. use a splitter so you can use 2 lights. I would suggest like 1 100W for veg, 2 100W for flowering. to cover the holes I would just duct tape a piece of cardboard over them but only duct tape at the top so you can lift it and have easy access, or Velcro it on.

i'm out of ideas for now


Active Member
I actually have a dual 12" speaker box laying around and i thought of using it as a grow box too which is funny. My idea with it was different although I didn't have that small hole on the side like you do which I dunno what that is for??? You could use this to put the wires through for the water pump and air pump though for the setup i would of done.

Anyway I was going to just get two huge pots that fit perfectly into the two speaker holes and put a reservoir in the box like a DWC setup. Then I was going to build the lighting into either a rubbermaid bin or make another wooden structure that would perfectly fit on top of the box and around the plants which has the lights and all the exhaust fans built into it. That way you can build a door on the "lights box" to view the plants when necessary.

heres a rough diagram


Well-Known Member
I actually have a dual 12" speaker box laying around and i thought of using it as a grow box too which is funny. My idea with it was different although I didn't have that small hole on the side like you do which I dunno what that is for??? You could use this to put the wires through for the water pump and air pump though for the setup i would of done.

Anyway I was going to just get two huge pots that fit perfectly into the two speaker holes and put a reservoir in the box like a DWC setup. Then I was going to build the lighting into either a rubbermaid bin or make another wooden structure that would perfectly fit on top of the box and around the plants which has the lights and all the exhaust fans built into it. That way you can build a door on the "lights box" to view the plants when necessary.

heres a rough diagram

I really like this idea.
Do it and see if it works.


Well-Known Member
*update* i finally got the front cover off, alot more work than i expected it to be. and i painted the inside white. i already have cfls and a small fan. all i need are the computer fans, a new cover for the front(i plan on getting hinges so i can jus swing it open), and the cfls to be set up and ill be done.

heres a pic of the box painted, but still drying.



Well-Known Member
*update* i finally got the front cover off, alot more work than i expected it to be. and i painted the inside white. i already have cfls and a small fan. all i need are the computer fans, a new cover for the front(i plan on getting hinges so i can jus swing it open), and the cfls to be set up and ill be done.

heres a pic of the box painted, but still drying.
Are you going to be doing LST to your plant?

If not look into it, i'm sure it'd help out a ton.

Make sure to paint the door as well.
You'd be surprised how many people forget stuff like that!


Active Member
nice! now get as many cfl's as you can cuz the more light the better just make sure you keep the temperature around 75degrees since its an enclosed box


Active Member
My flat mates don't approve so i will be attempting a speakerbox grow in the future, please keep posting am interested in the results