Special Journal by pegboy

Not such a gd start. Couple fumbles early on. Of course u can recover. Wondering why? Are u new to that set up of nutes, soil, cubes, etc? Glad u finally got some happy pics of plants before flip cus they all were unhappy photos til now. New growth looks gd. Hope it comes out great at the finish.
Not such a gd start. Couple fumbles early on. Of course u can recover. Wondering why? Are u new to that set up of nutes, soil, cubes, etc? Glad u finally got some happy pics of plants before flip cus they all were unhappy photos til now. New growth looks gd. Hope it comes out great at the finish.
I'll try to answer as honestly as possible. No. Pretty much using these nutes with rockwool all along. If you read above you can see how I arrived at having 8 plants at different ages jammed inside that little space. That in my eyes was the real learning experience. Never had a problem with stunted seedlings before. So the crowded house with different aged plants are where the problems stemed from. Early on I was hand watering all the plants with a very weak solution as to not overfeed the smaller plants. Thats where the calcium defficiency popped up with the larger ones. That lasted litterally one day. Bumped up the nutes and had that fixed right away. The nitrogen clawing I dont really see as much of a problem as I have encountered that many times with plants this age. No big deal. Easy fix. New strain. Had to dial it back just a tad, The overwatered seedlings are another problem that doesn't really bother me. I don't really care to baby them much and just pop them into the saturated cubes. They always seem overwatered for a time and always grow into the blocks within a week or two. So yes not a great start but nothing I was/am too concerned about. I topped them when I wanted to and flipped them when I wanted to so really don't feel I lost any time. Anymore problems arise I'll just hope to fix them and move toward a good harvest. Thats about it. My next post will be when I find out who the ladies are. Hopefully more than one!! ha
Day 2 since flip. Everythings dialed in and growth is fast and furious. Wasn't going to post until the plants were sexed but heres one more. Going to chalk up the slight clawing on the front right plant to slight overwatering. Aside from that all the plants are super happy so I'm not going to change anything at this point.

9lb 1-22-1.jpg.
Day 4 of the waiting game. Now I remember why I haven't done regular seeds in a long time.....
2.5ml Pro-Tekt, 2.5ml Grow, 2.5ml Bloom. 2.5ml Mag-Pro
PH 5.8
75 degrees
45% humidity
PPFD 670ish
9lb 1-24-3.jpg
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Day 6 from flip. Hugely disappointing morning. Turns out my healthiest bushiest plant is going to be male. I was really hoping this one would be female as it was a great looking plant. Oh well. The good news it the plant to the right of him is female. As for the two in the back I cant really get back there and take a close enough look as of now. I'm sure I'll know in a day or two. Bummer!
perameters are basically the same as above.

9lb 1-26-1g.jpg
Well.....ain't that a bitch. So it goes. Looks like I might as well make some seeds...............
The front left male is a good looking bushy plant.

9lb 1-26-1g2.jpg
Why not veg then out until they show sex?
Well....I guess I could but I'm so limited on space I don't think it would make much difference. I'd basically be in the same perdicament albiet the one female would be a bit bigger. No biggie. I have those younger plants (feminized) being fostered at a friend of mines. If they are healthy maybe I'll just grab one of those back and put into the tent.
What a shit show. This grow has been a disappointment from day one. Decided not to scog the front right plant and instead tossed acouple of those youngsters into flour as not to waste my 12/12 achedule. One is topped and one not. Hopefully they catch up to the bigger plant during stretch. Won't be updating again until theres actually something to look at. See you in a month or so. 9lb 2-4-1.jpg
Looks like it might not be a complete waste of a 12/12 cycle. Shaping up to get at least a 1/4lb out of this run...maybe more. I think the two quikz are going to stretch just fine and get close to the bigger 9lb hammer. Canopy should be fine but going to take a couple of extra weeks for the liitle ones. I'm fine with that. Not going to be the shit show I thought it was. Everythings looking pretty good as of now.

Ebb &Flow RW
77 degrees
40% humidity
EC 1.1
PH 5.8ish
9lb 2-9-3.jpg
A few trials and tribulations early on but here we are. The two Exotic genetix Quikz (right side and 11 days behind in flower) ) have now stretched beyond the Jinxproof 9lb hammer ( 3.5 weeks from flip). Stems on the Quikz are stiffening up so I think the stretch is coming to an end hopefully. A couple plants were topped once and the other I did no training whatsoever. Just removed a couple of leaves here and there. The fun part is stating finally. The 9lb is budding decently and the Quikz will be moving fast in a few days. Lets get this going!! Everything looking good!

Ebb and Flow with rockwool.
77 degrees
47% humidity
Dyna-gro nutes 1/3 strength
EC 1.2
PPFD 740ish

9lb 2-16-1.jpg9lb 2-16-2.jpg9lb 2-16-3.jpg9lb 2-16-4.jpg
Probably posting here more often than I need to. Winter boredom I guess.
9lb hammer 4.5 weeks from flip
Exotic genetix Quikz exactly 3 weeks.

PPFD 800
EC 1.2
Temp 77 degrees
humidity 45%
PH 5.5

Cruising along. Everything looking fine so far.
9lb 2-20-4.jpg9lb 2-23-4.jpg9lb 2-20-6.jpg9lb 2-20-5.jpg9lb 2-20-7.jpg9lb 2-21-1.jpg9lb 2-21-3.jpg
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A quick update.
9lb Hammer on the left exactly 72 days from germination. 5.5 weeks since flip.
Exotic genetix Quikz 62 Days. 4 weeks since flip.
Not sure if I'm going to bring either one home in 90 days but we shall see.
Saw some pollen on a leaf and a dropped male flower from the Quikz but can't seem to see where it came from. Hopefully thats the end of that nonsense.
Temp 77 degrees
Humidity 40%
EC 1.0
PH 5.8
PPFD around 800ish.

Other than the pollen everythings looking pretty good still. next few weeks are the fun part. lets get this overwith!
9lb 3-1-3.jpg9lb 3-1-4.jpg9lb 3-1-2.jpg
Comments welcome.

Welp....defeat. ......Its not looking like I'm going to bring the 9lb Hammer to harvest in 90 days. Theres 7 days left and barring a miracle it ain't going to happen. haha. She is looking good though. We'll see what happens. Anyway heres the 9lb at 84 days from seed. Its the plant on the left.

EC 1.2
PH 5.8
Temps 75-77
Humidity 45ish
PPFD 800ish

9lb 3-9-2.jpg9lb 3-9-3.jpg9lb 3-9-4.jpg9lb 3-9-5.jpg
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