Specific Aerogarden Questions

Aphex Twin 523

Active Member
Sup kids...

So I have used the aerogarden for one grow so far. I grew from seed and it took about a month and a half with a lot of trimming back. I could have probably flowered earlier after reading a lot of threads. This time I am going to try something different and I need some input...

First off I used the nutrient tablets that came with the original system. Two tablets for each reset and it worked well, but you could taste it in the bud. So I was wondering which foxfarm product I should buy for a clone, and for the aerogarden specifically how much of it should I use???

My second concern... I am doing a clone from my outdoor plant. However my outdoor plant is about 15 mins away in the woods and I need to transport a fresh cut to the aerogarden without any problems. What would be the best way to transport it so that I don't get any air pockets in the stem??

So basically it's just those two concerns; which foxfarm nutrients and how much, and how to transport a clone from the woods to my aerogarden.

Thanks for the input and happy growing.

P.S. anyone who doubt the aerogarden is foolish, and if you are worried about price there is ebay that sells them for $80.00


Well-Known Member
"Sup kids..." ???

I don't think you'll get any help around here with that kind of attitude, Plus for the price your paying for those things why don't you ask your aerogarden support those questions if you don't have any "doubt" in your aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
Answering your question.

1. Foxform has a feeding chart, follow it and follow it carefully.

2. Do more reading, you can cut a cutting and cut it again to the specific size. There is a awsome trick in the faq for sending cuttings through mail in the US, use that for reference.

Aphex Twin 523

Active Member
Thanks for the info. I guessed I missed the chart.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "attitude"... it was a simple greeting. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
fox farms feeding chart is great use everything on it, i cut the recomended dose in half and my ladies are just great. i have been slowly upping the amount i give them, to reach the recomended dose, but not to excede it
fox farms Nutes:
grow big hydro
big bloomz
tiger bloom
open sesame
beastie bloomz
and cha ching


Well-Known Member
Sup kids...

So I have used the aerogarden for one grow so far. I grew from seed and it took about a month and a half with a lot of trimming back. I could have probably flowered earlier after reading a lot of threads. This time I am going to try something different and I need some input...

First off I used the nutrient tablets that came with the original system. Two tablets for each reset and it worked well, but you could taste it in the bud. So I was wondering which foxfarm product I should buy for a clone, and for the aerogarden specifically how much of it should I use???

My second concern... I am doing a clone from my outdoor plant. However my outdoor plant is about 15 mins away in the woods and I need to transport a fresh cut to the aerogarden without any problems. What would be the best way to transport it so that I don't get any air pockets in the stem??

So basically it's just those two concerns; which foxfarm nutrients and how much, and how to transport a clone from the woods to my aerogarden.

Thanks for the input and happy growing.

P.S. anyone who doubt the aerogarden is foolish, and if you are worried about price there is ebay that sells them for $80.00

so youve obviously already had success with the aerogarden? AWESOME! did you use all the original stuff that came with it.. IE the lighting... or did you substitute. Im interested in trying all this out ^_^

Aphex Twin 523

Active Member
The first time I used all the original stuff. I used an extra 'daylight' light bulb to reach the bottom leaves when i detached the hood. Ive used the bulb before for indoor growing and it worked well so.

The only thing I'm going to change is the nutrients. I think the tablets it came with are a bit too strong? So I think I'm going with foxfarm... I've read a lot of good stuff about those products on this site.

P.S. everyone should invest in an "Ubie" for smoking. It's a pretty unique little thing.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They have done some modifications to get it ready for Christmas.
check it out.......

on their website. is ok to put links to it?


Active Member
Yes there is a new modified Aerogarden! It is out of stock till december, but it has a 24" hood arm and better lighting. Would the 24" extension arm be long enough still or would we still have to detatch the hood?


Well-Known Member
was thinking get the big one for flowering clones and use the smaller one I already got for mothers to cut from. Then I can have flowering nutes in one and growing nutes in the other to keep it all running and seperate.


Active Member
Hey this is my first post on this site. Do you think I should just throw the seeds in and germinate in the aerogarden?


Active Member
Okay nevermind about my previous post and I dont mean to spam but id rather bump this than just edit. I wanna try to explain what ive got going on right now then ask some questions. I just built a little grow cabinet outta an old toy box and coated the entire inside with tin foil. I went out and bought a 20 watt halogen light, a power strip, and a timer. I already have one halogen 20 watt lamp so now im planning on having the one i bought the one i have and the aerogarden do you think this will be sufficient light? The toy box isnt very well ventilated from what i can see but im planning on putting a small fan in front of one of the holes and already have a space heater do you think this will be enough to do any good? I also used a spray glue to coat the inside of the chest with tin foil and the smell has not gone away, should I wait until the smell does go away before beginning or will it not really matter? I think im going to just go ahead and use the aerogarden nutrients because i dont have access to anything better unless there might be some way to buy something at a local garden place do you think? I saw at Loews some super bloom stuff and different kinds of miracle grow do you think this will be okay for growing with the aerogarden? Dont mean to ask too many questions and if i did just tell me to shut up.
Edit: nevermind i come off as an idiot on forums i figured most of this stuff out thanks.