SpeedDemon's newbie grow journal (1st one ever)!


Active Member
Whats up guys!?! I hope y'all are ready to answer more questions than ever, your ears might be bleeding by the time this grow is over! I am finally ready to start my first grow journal after months of talking about it. Getting the environment set up took a lot longer than planned due to many hiccups along the way, but it has taught me patience and allowed me to read a lot on the subject. In fact it has taken time away from my studies and I will need to learn how to manage my new hobby with school and work. Anyways on to the good stuff.

I am in a 4x4x8 gorilla tent set up in the garage. I am using a Black Dog PhytoMax 1000 for my light source. I decided to try several different pots (Smart pots, Geopot black and tan (velco trans-planter and Geopots with handles) for my first time and so far I really like the tan Geopots. They have handles, feel very well constructed and I can see the moisture through the cloth. Time will tell on if the pot makes a difference. My grow method will be No-till in a soil I mixed and they are on SIPs because I travel quite sporadically.

The purple OG looks rough due to a botched transplant. I am unsure if she will make it.

I will also be growing different types of peppers, and will eventually move them outside when it warms up.

Amnesia Hash Plant #1

Amnesia Hash Plant #2

Purple OG

Hash Skunk

Peppers, Mint and Aloe

Please let me know if you see anything obvious that needs to be changed. Thanks for checking out my first grow journal!