Spider Mite Eradication

Hi everyone. I'm looking for tips to get completely rid of spider mites. I've had them pretty consistently the past year and a half of growing, with a couple harvests having almost none (I this this was just a strain specific thing). Currently I'm harvesting and half of my plants have slight webbing on one or two of the top colas. I'm going to go through and pull off the webbing to slow them down while I finish the plants - and I'm also curious if there is anything I can spray on them at this point? Maybe a diluted hydrogen peroxide spray? Or is Mighty Wash ok (being "frequency treated water")?

My BIGGEST concern/want however is getting rid of these bastards after I harvest. I currently have a veg room and a flower room. My Veg plants are pretty much bug-free and they are much easier to get control of in veg it seems. Probably a lot of that has to do with the fact I just have more room in my veg. This all being said, I have started some strains from seed and am looking to finally start my own clones. This should be a lot easier to handle bugs from the get-go, as I am planning on dipping all rooted clones before planting them, and keeping up on at least a weekly spraying to keep them bug free before I put them into flower. I like to avoid spraying with pesticides in flower, especially the last couple weeks.

So, after I harvest completely and my flower room is empty, I was planning on running a bleach solution through my reservoir (I usually do this in between every harvest to kill bacteria/molds that may be growing). Then I have an industrial atomizer I use for spraying foliar feeding and pesticides. I was planning on filling this with a heavy bleach solution and spraying down my ENTIRE room. Walls, floor, fixtures, everything. Then, I will spray my veg plants and basically soak them with a pesticide solution, move them over, and spray my veg room down the same way with bleach. I've never done this before and it's the only thing I can think to get rid of them almost completely. A few days later I would bug bomb both rooms (before they start flowering) to get rid of any eggs hatched.

Anyways, I'm trying to formulate a game plan - so sorry if a bit of this was rambling - but suggestions are welcome.



Well-Known Member
I have had this problem. Outdoors and in. Outdoors I dilute Garlic powder(NOT GARLIC SALT) in a gallon of water and water the plants with it. The mites leave within two weeks. I found that RID lice spray can help control the pest. The rid is a poison so use in moderation. A sprits here and there will do. Use too much and the plant will die. The hands down best indoor way is lady bugs. Yep ask any old pro you want. Lady bugs do the trick. They eat the little buggers. I get them at my local worms way.
That's fantastic. I was actually just pretty much deciding on getting some lady bugs after I do all of the things I just mentioned.

I am curious though, I have 40 plants in veg and 40 in flower.. how many lady bugs would I need? ha.

I go over these forums and there are a lot of things I know would work. If I could devote a ton of time to only 6 plants I'm sure I could get them gone, but with so many plants it makes it far more difficult.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I have had this problem. Outdoors and in. Outdoors I dilute Garlic powder(NOT GARLIC SALT) in a gallon of water and water the plants with it. The mites leave within two weeks. I found that RID lice spray can help control the pest. The rid is a poison so use in moderation. A sprits here and there will do. Use too much and the plant will die. The hands down best indoor way is lady bugs. Yep ask any old pro you want. Lady bugs do the trick. They eat the little buggers. I get them at my local worms way.


Active Member
I did lady bugs and not much help. I am now working with lace wings. Still too early to tell. But I think they may be a good idea to just introduce every few weeks to keep the spider mites under control. I really want to avoid using poisons if possible.


Well-Known Member
Hi there maybe i can give you a few suggestions as these spider mites are a pain to get rid of
Ive used the ladybugs there kinda a pain as they
Go where they please for your veg plants here's what i use mighy wash spray down leaves top and bottom then i spray pyrtherm spray from Walmart insect killer from garden safe around base soil
Works pretty good i do this ever 3 days


Active Member
I am pulling Rosemary Oil with Iso from needles I harvested, cleaned and jarred and got 1 1/2 pounds soaking. . . I will make a 3% solution with a drop of soap and distilled water. Amazing, works wonders, check your Rosemary plant if you have one, not a bite, many spikers, no bites out of needles. Our Rosemary is 16+ sq ft. I am willing to offer 28 ozs for $28 if interested. I plan on labeling and marketing to dispensaries as Mighty-Mite DOA 3%.