Spider Mites and hard pots


Active Member
So I have a theory that spider mites like to hang around hard pots compared to smart pots or any other pots that don't have a rim. Y'all my think I am a idiot. So on my outdoor crop all my plants in hard pots have this tiny webbing under the rim/lip. Are these SM webs? I am going to be transplanting into pots that don't have the lip. what does everyone think?You probably all think my theory is shit and I am idiot ?lol


Well-Known Member
Spider like to hide in places like that. Mites would be visible on the underneath of your leaves if you had them. Sounds like regular spider doing their thing to me. I actually saw a black widow underneath the lip of the pot our jasmine grows in


Active Member
yea I saw only 1 SM on all of my 10 plants( killed that fucker). A few webs here and their but couldn't find more than the 1 mite. Yea those fucking Black widows make homes on the bottom sides of all my patio furniture. I refuse to sit in any of my lawn chairs becuase im so terrified of them.