Spider mites late In flower help!

I'm 6 weeks into flower and I have spider mites pretty bad! I was told I can use green cleaner? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated
Call an exorcist. They spawn off of satan’s nut sack, so it’s the only way you’ll stand a chance killing them.
Just order the egg pods and wire them to your plant. They’ll hatch in about two weeks, hundreds of them, and they’ll eat every one of the sons of bitches. Just do a search for the egg pods, or get on eBay.
Dang this might top my wife's list of "weirdest shit my husband has bought in the internet". Any chance you have a reliable source for these? Hahaha
Dang this might top my wife's list of "weirdest shit my husband has bought in the internet". Any chance you have a reliable source for these? Hahaha
My wife actually ordered two egg pods off Etsy that came with a hatching sack that had a window in it. She wired them to a stick and stuck them in the window, and sure as shit after about two or 3 weeks we looked up and there was 100’s of the little shits. We were a little early because it was cold outside, and we got them for our tomatoes. I think the weather killed them, but it worked for sure. They eat everything. The good, bad, and the ugly. I even read they’ll eat a bird on occasion.
My wife actually ordered two egg pods off Etsy that came with a hatching sack that had a window in it. She wired them to a stick and stuck them in the window, and sure as shit after about two or 3 weeks we looked up and there was 100’s of the little shits. We were a little early because it was cold outside, and we got them for our tomatoes. I think the weather killed them, but it worked for sure. They eat everything. The good, bad, and the ugly. I even read they’ll eat a bird on occasion.
Hmmm do I need to worry if my cat gets in my grow room!? I mean I would be worried about the plants but in this case it sounds like I might need to worry about the cat!? Bhahahaha... so if I get a colony of them will they stay alive throughout ans I just move them to different grows!? Shit I'm now going to be a horticulturist and a freaking ornithologist all in one!!!
My wife actually ordered two egg pods off Etsy that came with a hatching sack that had a window in it. She wired them to a stick and stuck them in the window, and sure as shit after about two or 3 weeks we looked up and there was 100’s of the little shits. We were a little early because it was cold outside, and we got them for our tomatoes. I think the weather killed them, but it worked for sure. They eat everything. The good, bad, and the ugly. I even read they’ll eat a bird on occasion.
Sadly I am just beginning week 6 of flowers so by the time the baby mantis hatched I think the spider mites would have had their fill of my harvest lol