spider mites? mold? ..having tough time identifying

spider mites? mold? mildew?

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Hi everyone, this is my first cfl grow, i'm exactly 4 weeks into flowering and I returned home and was actually transplanting because I had a pot that wasn't really good for drainage, then I saw this cottony stuff on my top 4 colas (topped twice) I initially didnt see it because I see it is more visible on the backsides of these colas. I am hoping someone could identify EXACTLY which issue I have, and I will continue to look on the site for a home remedy.

I have not had proper ventilation up until today, I went and bought a new pot and a fan today until I noticed this

The hairs from the colas dont seem to be propped up like the rest of the plant that looks healthy, they seem to be suffering a little bit and not "reaching" as much as other bud spots

I tried taking flash pictures but then it just made the plant look dank like it was full of crystals lol

I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE THE HELP...just trying to have a successful first grow :) I havent had the pleasure of smoking my own herb yet



I will try to get a better picture, I am just working with an iphone so only time it comes out clear is with the flash, but then it just makes my plant looked caked up with trichomes, by the way I could remove the fuzzy cottony stuff with my fingers, one little part even looked like it had a tiny tiny lint ball

Thank you for the reply by the way!!! even though it was a guess due to my poor quality photo


Well-Known Member
By the pictures, I cant tell about mites or mold. I do see that very dark green as nitrogen over-abundance. This will inhibit flowers especially if too warm and wet. It seems to me that root zone oxygen levels might be worth looking in to. Better pics..better advice. Talk about your nutes and environment....


So not really having luck with macro, but with this shot you can even see a lint looking "cotton ball" under the bud, I have also noticed that the only half of the top buds are the ones that have faced the back wall of my grow box, when my lights come on, i open the balcony door and let fresh air come into the grow box, I did not have a fan before today so only reason I am thinking maybe it is mildew since I hear that is usually an issue with poor ventilation, on the side of the *whatever this is* the buds seem a little stumped or just he hairs arent coming out as much as the rest of the plant, also my lights have all been only about an 2-3 inches away up until this point

If it is infact mildew, I have heard of mixing in milk, however I want to know if that would make things worse during flowering, I switched to 12/12 exactly 4 weeks ago

By the way thank you burgertime2010 and hexthat, It is my fault for not having better pictures but I simply cannot do any better with the camera I am using

If anyone knows the exact problem, anyone know of any good home remedies?



Well-Known Member
Can't tell to be honest, would hate to tell you something and get you freaked out when I could be wrong. Really just can't tell from the pics. Are you positive you aren't looking at trichomes forming?


Can't tell to be honest, would hate to tell you something and get you freaked out when I could be wrong. Really just can't tell from the pics.
I honestly dont think its spider mites, so mostly thinkin that its mildew, I have heard I can wipe off from the leaves with damp paper towel, however, are some of my top colas fucked? the hairs dont seem quite rite on them, or can I just damp them also and reduce the lighting for a little?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
the fuzzy cottony stuff and cotton ball probably is mealy bugs. if so, they gotta go. GL


nah dont think its mealy bugs, but gonna go to a flower shop tomm and try to see what I can get for mildew, most likely that is the case, have seen many articles but mostly for veg/first week or 2 of flower, dont want to affect the buds

Fawk :( Finally get back home with a fan and see this shit, I went away for 2 days and left grow box closed


Can't tell to be honest, would hate to tell you something and get you freaked out when I could be wrong. Really just can't tell from the pics. Are you positive you aren't looking at trichomes forming?
i wish :( it started off mostly on the side that was getting the least air flow, the grow was going so well too, went away for 2 days so had grow box closed completely, came home with a fan and new pot to transplant and saw what I'm guessing is mildew cuz even the bud doesnt look too great on the side that is least exposed to air


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear all that, you need your plants to be "dialed in" before walking away for a few days, disaster in nature can strike fiercely and without warning.


Would using peroxide or milk be best for mildew? Please consider I am 4 weeks into flowering and do not want any further issues, I am not sure but seems like the milk treatment would be better for veg/early flowering. Please let me know which would be best and not do any harm to my plants

All responses are appreciated!!!


Well I ended up going with the 1% milk fix. Used 9 parts water 1 part milk in a spray bottle, almost instantly I started seeing some white cream looking stuff come off the leaves, could of even been a little of the milk for all I know, but after that I sprayed it down with water, then repeated the process, after my fan dried it off, I put it back in my grow box and it looks pretty healthy to me actually,

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE HELP...it was either this or the H202 which I was going to do instead, but decided on this instead last minute...fuck it

Hopefully I will not need to repeat this, as it was kinda messy :)