Spider mites


Well-Known Member
It looks like I'm going to delay going into flower, do to my archenemy Spider-Mites. So I bought Bayer natria 3 in 1. Now upon initial spray it was thick like a gel. So I rinsed off that leaf and shook the bottle for a solid two minutes. If anybody uses this make sure you shake it. I waited till it was dry, and rinsed all of the leaves on the plant. I cannot find a single mite anywhere on the plant after 4hrs. I know It can't be that easy, directions to do not retreat within 3 days. Anybody deal with this stuff before. I also work 12-hour days and can we get to the grow store once a week, so if you're suggesting a different product I'd love if you could do that and have it available at Lowe's it's the only place I can make 2 before or after work.


Well-Known Member
It looks like I'm going to delay going into flower, do to my archenemy Spider-Mites. So I bought Bayer natria 3 in 1. Now upon initial spray it was thick like a gel. So I rinsed off that leaf and shook the bottle for a solid two minutes. If anybody uses this make sure you shake it. I waited till it was dry, and rinsed all of the leaves on the plant. I cannot find a single mite anywhere on the plant after 4hrs. I know It can't be that easy, directions to do not retreat within 3 days. Anybody deal with this stuff before. I also work 12-hour days and can we get to the grow store once a week, so if you're suggesting a different product I'd love if you could do that and have it available at Lowe's it's the only place I can make 2 before or after work.
I've never heard of that product. Be sure to use something that is safe on plants for human consumption. I had this issue once. They're a pain in the ass. I'm not sure anything kills their eggs. So you need to go through a regime. I can't recall how many days it is. But I learned the hard way. Don't trust your eyes. Because it takes a few days for the eggs to hatch and shortly after that those new mites are laying more eggs. So the key is after initial application apply again. You've got to keep killing any new mites before they can lay eggs UNTIL there are no eggs left to hatch. I think 3 applications is recommended. When in doubt give it an extra application. Because if you don't get them all in the first battle. You'll be right back in the same mess a month from now as if you never did anything. If for some reason you don't get them all the first time and they come back change products. Not because the first one didn't work but because if you keep using the same product they might build up a tolerance to it.


Well-Known Member
And they are back and the buggers seem pissed. So a friend brought over mighty wash, anyone ever use it. we covered every surface. will update tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I like mighty wash, but its still only part of a balanced diet and all... For a full blown infestation, drop temps as low as possible (slows breeding) and cycle mighty wash, and 1-2 other miticides every 3-4 days for like 2 fucking weeks.... kill them, their eggs, the ones you missed, everything.... The eggs are always the bastard, some treatments dont kill them....


Well-Known Member
Thank you
No problem. It is good stuff. I have used it twice and documented it in my thread. I even used it in my vegetable garden. I have recommended it to a few others on here and they all have had good luck with it.

I decided to use it as a systemic after researching spinosad and came across a study using it as a systemic on tomato plants.

It kills many more pest besides mites.