spidermites on inside grow wat do i do

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Neem Oil and dish soap sprayed every 4 days for 3 weeks Or you can go to wal mart they have some bug spray that says safe for tomatoes and it has PYRETHINS in it main ingrident. I use that stuff on my plants with buds and neem in veg.


Active Member
use the" safer" brand spray. and make sure you spray bottom part of leaves.
also make sure you follow up in about 4 days.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Yeah follow up most important, being you are only killing the adults not the eggs. I sprayed then waited a week then went to the local Garden center and Bought 3000 lady bugs 1/2 for veg and 1/2 for flower room.


Active Member
PCO fogger.
its pyrethium (sp?)
use it, wait a week, use it again to kill off all hatched eggs.
works like a charm brudda'.


Well-Known Member
but my plants young will that matter??
Should make it much easier to get a grip on your problem . . . less veg, less mites, less spray, less eggs, etc.
If it's gotten bad already, you can remove the most infected growth. Flush that trash down the toilet.
Obviously, if your plant is tiny, don't pinch the only growth off.