spots on the leafs


Well-Known Member
Help I dont know if they light was to close to the top of the plant but it seems i have some spots on my leafs and i dont know if its because of the light or im over watering them:confused:



Well-Known Member

ppm = parts per million, the concentration of nutrients in your solution that you feed your plants.

pH is the acidity/alkaline level of the liquid you are feeding the plant with.

Usually you would use specialized testing meters to find these numbers out, there are good cheap ones on ebay. To me looks like ph problem too, the heat thing is not that big of a deal unless you start sweating standing in the same room as your plants.

Good luck, don't lose it now.


Well-Known Member
do u have bugs? check on the bottom of the leaves.

like they said u want to get a ph reading. go to ur local fish store. and get a cheap ph test kit with some ph up and ph down. $15 usd or ebay, but i dont think u have that much time.
how often are u watering?
how much water are u addiing?
how big are your pots?
what medium (ex-soil, perlite mix)?


Well-Known Member
no bugs really because i have some sticky double sided bug stuff i got at the harware store and to be honest this is my first time and i used mircle grow potting soil, and i am using disltilled water good bottled water and watering them every 2-4 days