Sprout info


Active Member
I have a couple of questions. firstly, i planted seeds a bit apart from each other in the ground outside in the woods that is my back yard. To my suprise, two sprouts sprout up like a milimeter away from each other. How is it possible for one seed to sprout 2? Theyre both pot...ive checked and double checked.

Secondly, I wanted to know if its normal for my sprouts to be leaning. They all have very long stems now and the 4 leaves on top like in the pictures. Thier leaves look very healthy, it just looks like theyre leaning because the stems are long and theyre top heavy. Do i need to put in little posts for them to grow up against? If so i need to know quick, i dont want them in dangers way.

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
dig them up and replant them deeper. when you waterd after putting the seed down they prolly ran to a common location with the water. when you dig them up im sure you will find there are two plants. seperate the roots carefully. if it is a mutated plant, please include pics here! but i doubt it is.