sprouted early


Well-Known Member
so about a month ago i threw some random seeds from a previous harvest out back in the garden. it snowed 3 times since then and the seeds were immature so i thought they were fucked. i hear its gunna snow again today (ontario) so i go outside to check the weather and i see a little seedling poped out the soil. i cut a plastic bottle in half and have it over top the seedling for now. will this be enough to protect it if shit does get nasty today or what should i do? need advice fast +rep to thoes who help

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I would transplant it in a 16 oz. plastic cup. First, take a hand full of good soil, add 70 degree water with it and use that for transplanting. Then you can move the Baby about to let it get as much sunlight, & night time indoor light, as possible. If you HAVE to leave the Baby out in the cold, use warm water around the plant, not directly on the base of the plant, move as much soil as possible around the plant. Prior to the night time, warm the root system again, & cover with a blanket or 5 gal. bucket. A small warm light under the bucket with the plant would be VERY good. A wind block, to block off the north wind is also good.


Active Member
get a box bro an if u can get a light in there just cover the plant and it shud be fine my seedlings survived a below 30F week doin this...or the easiest thing to do is bring them in the house