Sprouts and high heat


Well-Known Member
i about to start a new outdoor seedling within the next couple of days .but it gets pretty hot down here and i was wondering if it was to hot for them???:peace:

Mad Hatter

Well-Known Member
Yea man really need some more info, are you growing indoor/outdoor, what strain, there are strains that excel in different parts of the world better than others.

*edit* webb, your sig by danny12 is epic!! hah!


Well-Known Member
ummm yer the other day it got up too around 40 degrees and it would be outdoors and i got them from a mate so i dont know what strain it is??? and should i keep it in semi shade/sun until it is bigger and more durable against the heat?

thanks for the replies guys

Mad Hatter

Well-Known Member
40 degrees C?? Thats what 104 F, man.. weed doesn't grow in those temps. Sorry to tell you but the only way you can grow is indoors and with a lot of AC. Good luck setting up an indoor grow man, plenty of setups you can make or buy but with those temps that's about all you can do. Good luck.