Sprouts keep dieing!


Active Member
So I'm tryin to grow two plants in my closet, but I've killed two seeds so far after they have been germinated. One's growing good and almost has her second set of leaves, but no such luck for the others. each time I try to plant a germinated seed, the sprout comes out of the dirt and then dies, even with some clear plastic over the little planter to keep the humidity and moister up. should I not be putting the germinated seed under light when I first plant it in dirt?


Well-Known Member
as soon as you see the baby leaves, you should be putting them under light. plants need light to live, otherwise they will die

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Ya arent waterin right away too soon after transplant, are ya? Ya shud use balanced water enriched w/B-1 fer yer transplant. Get yer medium good and wet, then go ahead and plant it.


Active Member
i actually mean before the baby leaves, like when its the little white thing coming out of the seed. I can't get some of them to grow their baby leaves because they die before then. the white sprout comes out of the soil, but doesnt progress from there. should I wait until theres baby leaves and then put it under the lights?


Well-Known Member
also make sure that the lihgt isn't too close, I had a similar problem my first time around but it was due to overwatering, a common idiot's, like myselfs, mistake


Active Member
yea i mean im pretty sure im planting it in the right direction, with the white sprout that comes out during germination upwards right? Ill try waiting until there are some leaves before giving it light and make sure i don't over water...let you know how it goes