SSRI's, Children, School Shootings ?

Could experimental psychotropic drugs cause violent behavior and thoughts of suicide?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Not Mine

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
I hear ya, i wish I had an answer but I don't.
I think the pills are doing more good than harm. I don't know what the numbers would look like if we banned these drugs.

how in the world did we go for hundreds of years without this ssri deficiency showing up in the masses?

kinda silly right? first we have to admit there is a problem before we can remedy it. Its no wonder this continues
I'm not qualified to offer the mentally ill children any alternatives in a marijuana forum
Marijuana sets my schizophrenic son off the deep end.
You really don't want that.

The pills are the only thing keeping him out of jail or off the streets.

And still he resists them as part of his illness.

Some of the harder prescription drugs are super hard on him but again without them he is fucked
I hear ya, i wish I had an answer but I don't.
I think the pills are doing more good than harm. I don't know what the numbers would look like if we banned these drugs.

only one question here mate.
Could experimental psychotropic drugs cause violent behavior and thoughts of suicide?
Marijuana sets my schizophrenic son off the deep end.
You really don't want that.

The pills are the only thing keeping him out of jail or off the streets.

And still he resists them as part of his illness.

Some of the harder prescription drugs are super hard on him but again without them he is fucked

what fucked him before the drugs?
I agree, that there is some inherent danger with any chemical.

When you add to that the over prescribing as you mentioned above for "insomnia" those numbers are going to go up.

And I hate to blame parents because I have a son who is schizophrenic but
There is no way he would not be taking his meds or building bombs in my garage without me knowing.

So again its not just the meds.
Its also being given out like candy and parents are overwhelmed or just plain lazy and checking out and just hoping for the best.

Insomnia is a symptom of depression.
how in the world did we go for hundreds of years without this ssri deficiency showing up in the masses?


I know of lots of people who have done hideous acts of violence ( most were drinking at the time ) long before we ever heard of ssri meds.

I've taken several of the meds on the list in the opening statement, and didn't want to kill peeps anymore or less than normal. I wish there was something around when my brothers were kids and maybe they would still be alive today ( but I agree behavior meds for kids shouldn't be the first choice ) .
Appears virtually impossible for a child to murder other children in a mass school shooting
unless first prescribed an ssri

ssri rx'd in order to commit their last crimes
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I know of lots of people who have done hideous acts of violence ( most were drinking at the time ) long before we ever heard of ssri meds.


Have you ever known any of those hideous acts to include mass school shooting?
I believe those began thousands of years after we started to consume alcohol.
I've seen some really bad behavior of drunks also but never mass murder.

I am sorry to learn of your brothers passing, rip.
In an estimated 5% of people taking these drugs, which are freely prescribed to children and adolescents, a condition known as "akasthisia," occurs. This is a build up of electrical impulses that causes the brain to disassociate, sometimes causing the victim to erupt in sudden, extreme violence, often: murder, mass murder, suicide, arson and more. Characteristics of SSRI violence include hallucinations, and amnesia so powerful that all memory of the event is absent, in those who survive.

for insomnia? nail biting? talking too much in class? killing small animals? collecting guns already?
why are these drugs rx'd to children who own guns?
they tell us we cant even have guns and grow pot together.

ecological fallacy?
There's no fucking way the amount of people on these drugs actually need them. I personally know a dozen people that all they did was call a Dr and say "I'm felling depressed and need something" and walked away with a prescription. No psychological evaluation or anything. Then there's the problem that, in my experience, people don't take them correctly. They have a "good" day and skip a dose or have a "bad" day and double up.

I grew up in the Ritalin generation, my mother refused to have me take it. I have multiple friends with hormonal issues, early balding, and deeper metal problems they all attribute to being on these drugs at a young age.

Any drugs that manipulate brain function on still developing begins should be highly scrutinized, especially where we still don't really understand what's going on in there.

Life's difficult, there's no easy answers or pills to fix it.
I think there are more variables to this threads proposal like mentioned already.

The meds are prescribed as part of a complete treatment plan. Depending on the patient there would be regular one on one or group therapy or both. And the meds would need to be taken as prescribed.

Without treatment altering the chemicals of the brain pharmaceutically is not recommended.

On the other hand I have been told by a good friend who is a psychologist that prescribing SSRI meds is not recommended for most patients anymore. Many bad side effects have been recorded.
There's no fucking way the amount of people on these drugs actually need them. I personally know a dozen people that all they did was call a Dr and say "I'm felling depressed and need something" and walked away with a prescription. No psychological evaluation or anything. Then there's the problem that, in my experience, people don't take them correctly. They have a "good" day and skip a dose or have a "bad" day and double up.

I grew up in the Ritalin generation, my mother refused to have me take it. I have multiple friends with hormonal issues, early balding, and deeper metal problems they all attribute to being on these drugs at a young age.

Any drugs that manipulate brain function on still developing begins should be highly scrutinized, especially where we still don't really understand what's going on in there.

Life's difficult, there's no easy answers or pills to fix it.

But pills cost the state/insurance companies/whatever less than shrinks, unless you pay for it yourself, so they're always a solution that gets looked at first. The problem is then that you end up where the pills become the solution instead of being a part of the solution, and the long term handing out of sedatives, sleep medication, anti-anxiety, etc, pills like they're Smarties has yet to be felt.

Over here you'll get charged €60 per hour with a psychologist with no reimbursement from the health insurance. Psychiatrist is €80 per hour, €60 returned. The few psychiatric "charity" non-profit organisations are swamped, waiting lists except for the most "urgent" cases are huge, so it's little wonder pills are the chosen method of suppression as it means you don't have to face the issues that are causing the problem.

And that's in a country where there's a more integrated "social care" system than in many, yet everyone has to have "something" so they can "be on something", and there's also the possibility of making some money on the side selling your "happy pills" as quite a few do (T***adol's still a favourite over here), the situation is obviously worse elsewhere so those who really NEED the help get pushed out of the way by those who only feel the need to be diagnosed as having "something" as if it's a fashion statement...
Have you ever known any of those hideous acts to include mass school shooting?
I believe those began thousands of years after we started to consume alcohol.
I've seen some really bad behavior of drunks also but never mass murder.

I am sorry to learn of your brothers passing, rip.

No not mass school shooting...

On a side note, have you ever heard the phrase " there's something in the water " well here is a story about that.
I grow up in the Appalachian mountains most people there keep to themselves and are very protective of family and home. The property next to ours had a big nice house on it and was always empty. One day I heard the story of why, the house was built in the 30's , after returning from WWII one day the man of the house killed his whole family, about fifteen years later another man killed his whole family the house set abandoned until it burned down in the 70's .
Two years ago at my dad's funeral my cousin tells me that the USGS had came through doing ground water sampling and found the water on that property to be toxic ( I'm not sure with what ) and the well on our property was not much better.

I tell this to demonstrate that environment can play a role in mental health and health overall. I think it had a lot to do with how unstable my family was , since I'm the only one left.

I realize this story is off topic of discussion but I felt like sharing.