Staggered Harvest/ Harvesting same plant twice


Well-Known Member
Hello Everybody!

This post is in regards to harvesting the same plant in stages.

I have a friend with more knowledge than myself when it comes to growing, and he tells me that a plant doesn’t (normally) ripen all at once. What he does is to harvest the cola and other top buds that are exposed to the most light and which ripen fastest – thus allowing the smaller buds to ‘see the light’ and develop a little further, harvesting them a week or two later. I’ve tried this once so far, and it seemed to work, I think…

Does anyone else employ this method?

If you do, how do you go about it?

Do you keep flushing after the first harvest or do you give them a little bit of nutes?

Do you use a chemical flush and if you do – how long can you use a chemical flush and still keep the plant alive and growing? I feel like I may be wasting my time with the second harvest (of the same plant) if the chemical flush (final phase) is preventing the plants buds from developing any further (because of the fact that it is flushing the nutes out of the plant).

Do people think/know whether this method either increases the yield per plant, or allows the popcorn buds to gain further potency?



Well-Known Member
I never done it myself but I've have heard of people doing that, but some people believe the lower buds are smaller and ripens first. I don think letting buds going an extra week or two will hurt. did you notice any changes in the buds when you did it? I wouldnt give it any nutes again becasue you should have already flushed all the nutes out 2 weeks b4 harvest so it would be any point to add nutes again. not sure about chemical flushes. after all that said, I guess this aint shit but a free


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else employ this method?
Yes, I do. I saw it on seemorebuds

If you do, how do you go about it?
I harvest the main cola and let the rest of the plant go 1-2wks

Do you keep flushing after the first harvest or do you give them a little bit of nutes?
Just water.

Do you use a chemical flush and if you do – how long can you use a chemical flush and still keep the plant alive and growing? I feel like I may be wasting my time with the second harvest (of the same plant) if the chemical flush (final phase) is preventing the plants buds from developing any further (because of the fact that it is flushing the nutes out of the plant).
I do chemically flush. My reason being I let my plants go around 9weeks. Near the end Im so impatient. I just do it to ease my impatience.

Do people think/know whether this method either increases the yield per plant, or allows the popcorn buds to gain further potency?
The bottom nugs do get denser. In future harvests I'm gonna do a better job of lollipopping. So I can just harvest and be done with it. See albfucts pictures. He lollis his plants real good.