Start of wk 5 flower BB Xxl and TW and the cop's come


Well-Known Member
Well just a quick update of the girls ...Big bud XXL ministry of cannabis and Train wreck Ghs...
Ive had a paranoid week this week has i had the cop's round over some bullshit with the ex woman lucky they never smelt it BUT the first lot to come knocking my guess is they will be coming soon for an early morning knock....anyways i wasn't in at the time and they went to a neighbors asking if they could smell cannabis on the street so might catch a bit of luck and they not get me before crop lol....anyways here's the girls I'm pretty happy with the way there growing for my first grow so any advice please feel free and any advice on cop's knocking and me saying do one dickheads i aint opening NO FRONT DOOR and were i stand legally would be even more fantastic ...Has I'm riding this one out till the end ...come-on there only bloody plants

Oh just to clear smells and stuff i have a ozone generator and 8inch cann filter BUT it was early morning and id not turned it on so there was a little smell at my house ....Yes i was lazy ...I now have them on perfect time sync and zero smell...Well 2 cops were stood in my front room just after lights out and smelt nothing so what's you guy's think....expect a call or caught a lucky escape lol....just my luck get to the end and all goes to shit....


Well-Known Member
hey mate, they look great but they also look like they have quite a bit to go!? but yeah look really good. I got a bit paranoid near the end too, had bad smell but I didn't have the cops at my door though, but I think you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate...Just a quick question when would you say is the best week to add PK13-14 ...I know it says 3 week before harvest BUT how do i know that its 3 week has some are bigger and futher along than the others ? Is it just a matter of hitting them week 6 and hoping timing is right....


Well-Known Member
Damn yo... Time to move. Keep your mail forwarded to po box, and do not update your driver license or anything else with new address. Don't tell the ex where you move. Perhaps you should take a clone to her house, hide it inside and call the cops on her... She would let them in as if nothing to hide then, BAM... busted. then her credit with the police will mean nothing and they will blow off anything she says about you. hahaha! revenge is a dish best served cold.