Starting indoors light times


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have been seeing all these monster grows and I have a question. For those of you who start plants inside under lights then move them outdoors to CONTINUE to veg/grow... What kind of light cycle do you have your plants on indoors so that when you move them outside they don't go straight into flower... I veg under 18 hours light and now were having 13 hours of light in the day. Wouldn't that change in the photoperiod force flowering? Would I then have to have my lights to 13 hours on and sync them with the daylight so the photoperiod is constant?

Oh and another question, what would the difference be in doing this with seeds vs clones?? I would love to get some clones going outdoors but Id have to travel quite a distance to plant them and i dont want to be travelling with big plants... therefore i would like to just establish the clones, about 12-16 of them, maybe 5-6" tall and plant them outdoors AND get substantial sized plants at the end of it all? Is this possible and is there anything special I'd have to do? Thanks for the help... dont want to waste my time AND my clones to have them flowering @ 12". Thanks much everyone.



Well-Known Member
no... i DONT want to force flowering.. i want to place the clones outside and continue vegging/glowing.


Well-Known Member
im not sure were you are that you only have 13 hours of day light,but if you have 13 hours only they will go into flower.but 18 hour veg is can do clones or seeds but it all depends on length of season when you put them out and your climate.