starting seeds problem (PICS!!)


Active Member
Okay well my temp was 75 degrees and humidity was 50%. I had little seedling I was sweating out in my humidity dome. after they were about a week or 2 old I put them in MG all purpose soil right when I saw the serrated true leaves start to pop out. I did not see any roots coming out of the rockwool cube. When the rockwool cubes were in the dome I used the correct PH. when I put the rockwool in soil I upped the PH to a higher one because I read MG soil (the kind I used) has a very low PH. After a day in soil I came home to find my 3 little seedling dead.

I was wondering if I should have waited to transplant into soil until I saw roots in the rockwool in the humidity dome?

I dont under stand why they died. the only thing I can think of is that either the lights were too close or not enuff airflow or i transplanted them to young.

please help me.

here are some pics of my setup.

I really need help starting the seeds. and getting these babies into VEG! I am a new grower and learning as I go. I appreciae everyones kindness and help.

the pics dont have my dead seeds in them. I took pics after I removed them.




Well-Known Member
You're making this WAY more difficult than it needs to be. Put your seeds in the pot and soil you are going to grow them in, 1/2 in deep, add water make sure its not cold, and wait two days. They'll sprout and there's no need for ANY tranplanting, or domes, or rockwool. Dirt and water is all you need.


Well-Known Member
What he said.. plus when I plant a sprout/seedling I only give it just sun for a day or two after it breaks the soil... let it green up a couple of days then give it CFL's... I'd start at about 12" and move a bit closer daily.... for seedlings don't play with additives or PH... no need at the start..... Luck...


Active Member
Here is a recent thread covering just this topic, it should help you. >
The more simple your method is the less likely that you will have problems.
awsome thanks guys! I just threw 3 beans in the dirt. light fixture 12 inches away warm water 1/2 inch deep. I guess I was over complicating things as I usually tend to do. lol... itgrowslikeaweed, I read your 1st journal. It was awsome. I really hope my little setup will grow 3 plants a nice size. I guess we will see. To be honest the seeds I put in the ground were garbage but I figured it wasnt THAT bad lol... its some decent brick (if thats even possible lol...) I am just trying to get the process down before I spend money on seeds. Even tho everyone says start with good genetics. I am sure it will be okay. thanks again for all the help..

chemmmmm :bigjoint::peace: