State of The Union 2023

I heard nothing about "the fentanyl crisis " . Did anyone hear how he expects to curve inflation? What were his thoughts on the how he plans on handling the Southern Boarder? I'm definitely not sold on a re-election. I don't even feel he would get the needed support from the party. Just my thoughts.
My question is what happened to all those quivering anti-vaxer trumpets ?
What’s the Republican plan to stop all the immigrants and drugs coming by sea and air
You don’t seem ignorant
Surely you know most illegal activities don’t arrive in a car ?
Maybe when Mexico pays up as the mango gawd said they would immigration will be an issue ?
Btw are you still waiting on the Bush trickle or the Trump one?
Are you denying biden accused Republican of doing that or the fact Republicans bood him when he made the accusation? Today the Speaker of the House reaffirmed Republicans have no intentions upon messing with social security or Medicare.

He called republicans out and got them on live TV to agree...that Medicare and medicade are off the table for talks on the budget, plain and simple, vote done
I heard nothing about "the fentanyl crisis " . Did anyone hear how he expects to curve inflation? What were his thoughts on the how he plans on handling the Southern Boarder? I'm definitely not sold on a re-election. I don't even feel he would get the needed support from the party. Just my thoughts.
I bet that check from trump that Mexico was going to pay would come in handy about now ?
Or the funds Steve Bannon stole ?
Maybe you could just boost your monthly donation to help cover the tax cuts for wealthy folks ?
Just my thoughts
My question is what happened to all those quivering anti-vaxer trumpets ?
What’s the Republican plan to stop all the immigrants and drugs coming by sea and air
You don’t seem ignorant
Surely you know most illegal activities don’t arrive in a car ?
Maybe when Mexico pays up as the mango gawd said they would immigration will be an issue ?
Btw are you still waiting on the Bush trickle or the Trump one?
“activities that come in a car” for $400, Alex
Oh ya. Best part of the whole thing. The democrats can no longer use that one as a talking way to scare misinformed voters. That was his main tactic that worked on a lot of people. My mother took the bait, but she's seeing the light finally, :bigjoint:. If people didn't take the bait the Republicans would control the Senate now too.

Here's just one where he twisted the truth.
I don't get my news from videos. I listened to the first bit and checked the facts.

In that speech, held in late October, Biden was referring to plans from Republicans they had published that same month, October, 2022,

This is what Politifact said about those plans:

The summary regarding Republican plans current as October 2022 from Politifact:

  • If nothing changes, the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2034.
  • A Republican plan would keep the funds solvent by reducing future benefits, with no tax hikes.
  • Broadly, the GOP would shift money from those who earn more to those who earn less. But compared with current payment formulas, every group would get less.

When Biden made the remarks in his October speech, "The Republican Study Committee, which represents a whopping 157 out of 211 House Republicans", had just published their plan to to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. End of story. There isn't any wiggle room for you in this. You are simply wrong.

That said, it's nice to see a Republican conversion to back away from cutting Social Security benefits. They seemed angry at the idea that anybody would cut Social Security benefits. So, here we are. MAGA Republicans have been accepted back into the fold along with Democrats promising never to do that. It doesn't matter how we got there. We agree on this.

Isn't it nice when we can agree on important issues?
and yet, even with the restraints slapped on him by every Republican in Congress pulling the other way, he was one hell of a good Chief Exec.
He picked a solid Veep as well.
Racists take racism VERY seriously, says the guy from the land of cotton, crossburnings, dispossessions, & disappearances.

My main beef with him is his parsing of ‘is’ & his transparently fake “that woman” denial…and the whole third-way, corpoDem thing
Racists take racism VERY seriously, says the guy from the land of cotton, crossburnings, dispossessions, & disappearances.

My main beef with him is his parsing of ‘is’ & his transparently fake “that woman” denial…and the whole third-way, corpoDem thing
(slaps forehead) I see my whoopsie. I meant Obama.

I was ready to despise Clinton, but he did ok. I have never liked how much consequence Americans used to assign sex no-nos. This was soon after Gary Hart. So I sorta felt for Slick Willy; it’s such a beside-the-point way to have one’s presidency put under the gun. At least he gave us an interval between Iraq and a hard place.

One of the things that has changed is the power of perceived sex misbehavior to affect, let alone end, a political career. That man with his hush money and underage pageant creepery. HoneyBoeBoe and her indecent exposer/domestic abuser. Teenager trafficker Gaetz and Groomin’ Gym Jordan, and others. There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!

While I think that should put paid to the undertow of priggery that has pervaded the enterprise, I have great faith in the stubbornness of the hypocrites among the self-described guardians of family values, who are likely to pretend it all never happened.

Let’s see how it goes. Let’s hope the GOP crusade against a working government really is tripped up.

Now for some forward motion on judicial consequences for the various kingpins.
I thought it was funny when Biden lied and said the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. In return the Republicans stood up and booed him because it wasn't and isn't true
Son, this would be funny if it wasn’t tragic: they’ve been trying to bury both programs since they were instituted, and they haven’t been shy about it. THESE days, tho, they don’t talk about it when their base - you & your fellow GOP voters - can hear them. They’ve got y’all fooled but good, and y’all can’t seem to ever tell. Good business for them, it’s what keeps them in office…as long as y’all never look into *them*.

You should tune out all the talk & actually LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO. Try the Congressional Record - it’s, umm, just that: everything said and done in congress. Don’t wait for ‘em to grab YOU by the pussy…and don’t just swallow their usual ‘explanations’
Son, this would be funny if it wasn’t tragic: they’ve been trying to bury both programs since they were instituted, and they haven’t been shy about it. THESE days, tho, they don’t talk about it when their base - you & your fellow GOP voters - can hear them. They’ve got y’all fooled but good, and y’all can’t seem to ever tell. Good business for them, it’s what keeps them in office…as long as y’all never look into *them*.

You should tune out all the talk & actually LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO. Try the Congressional Record - it’s, umm, just that: everything said and done in congress. Don’t wait for ‘em to grab YOU by the pussy…and don’t just swallow their usual ‘explanations’
that would involve effort against dogma.
Are you denying biden accused Republican of doing that or the fact Republicans bood him when he made the accusation? Today the Speaker of the House reaffirmed Republicans have no intentions upon messing with social security or Medicare.
Biden truthfully said that GOP/MAGA wants to cut/gut those programs. GOP/MAGA booed him for it - same kids used to throw spitballs, they thought it was funny - ‘til he snapped the trap. GOP/MAGA just promised the nation that they will not make SSI/Medicare pawns in the debit fight (at least).

There’s PLENTY of documentary history showing the pressure to nix the two over generations…it’s easy to see, if you bother to look for yourself. Or, as the kids say, “do some research”
I don't get my news from videos. I listened to the first bit and checked the facts.

In that speech, held in late October, Biden was referring to plans from Republicans they had published that same month, October, 2022,

This is what Politifact said about those plans:

The summary regarding Republican plans current as October 2022 from Politifact:

  • If nothing changes, the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2034.
  • A Republican plan would keep the funds solvent by reducing future benefits, with no tax hikes.
  • Broadly, the GOP would shift money from those who earn more to those who earn less. But compared with current payment formulas, every group would get less.

When Biden made the remarks in his October speech, "The Republican Study Committee, which represents a whopping 157 out of 211 House Republicans", had just published their plan to to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. End of story. There isn't any wiggle room for you in this. You are simply wrong.

That said, it's nice to see a Republican conversion to back away from cutting Social Security benefits. They seemed angry at the idea that anybody would cut Social Security benefits. So, here we are. MAGA Republicans have been accepted back into the fold along with Democrats promising never to do that. It doesn't matter how we got there. We agree on this.

Isn't it nice when we can agree on important issues?
Golly, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, :oops:.

I'll admit that I don't watch much news, so I don't know about all the shit that's going on. I do watch both CNN and FOX because I like to hear all the info and make an educated guess who to believe. But I actually learn a lot I didn't know on this site. I'm talking about the whole site. Sports shit, when famous musicians die, and all kinds of crazy shit, :lol:. But I know that politifact is a lefty site so I'm not sure I'd take them as fact checkers. I also have a feeling things might be a little twisted in that statement. I don't believe 157 of them wanted to fully end Social Security. If so they would be voted out quick. Notice that clown that made that original statement about Sunset shit isn't the leader in the House.

I actually enjoy a friendly debate, but the maga, magat shit isn't helping anyone. It just creates more division. I also have a problem when people diss America unless it's a joke. We all know Trump is a douchebag, but Biden's not far behind at this point. But let's not compare them though, :lol:.

Anyways ya it's nice that we can actually agree on something for once, lol. But I do think we need to figure out how to solve the problem with paying for it long term so it might be there for me when it's my turn, or my kids, and so on. I think we should be taking care of all older people, veterans, and blah blah blah though. The veterans need way more than they get now. Ok I'm done now, :lol: