Stealth Armoire 400W MH/HPS Game OG Seeds


400W MH/HPS Remote Ballast
SunSystem Yield Master 6" Air-cooled Hood
ActiveAir 6" Booster Fan - EXHAUST (188CFM)
ActiveAir 4" Booster Fan - INTAKE (144CFM)
6" Clamp Fan
CyberTech pH Reader

Medium and Grow Supplies:
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
1GAL SmartPots
Botanicare PureBlend Pro Grow
Delta9 Ocean Grown
Delta9 Silicate

I started my seeds on August 11th by putting them in a cup of water and letting them germ. A day later I have rap roots. Let them get a bit longer and through them in my rockwool cubes. They sit under some 23W CFLS and within 2 days have some roots popping out the bottom so I transplant into 1GAL SmartPots and put them 24" from my MH. They are now about an 1"-2" tall and I have them about 16"-18" from glass with canopy temp of 78°F and humidity of 51%

My runt is now flourishing and my strongest and quickest rooter is slowing down. I am not over watering because I dip finger in about 1"-1½" down to test. I'm not so much watering the plant directly, more so the soil around the plant. No nutes yet (not for the first month with FFOF or so I've heard?) and my lighting schedule is 20/4. Thanks for stopping by. Any advice, information, or links are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Doors Closed Cabinet

Doors Open Cabinet - Light just turned on

The runt that became the STRIVER

The striver that became the RUNT


Morning Shot: 9AM - Lights Fresh On


Lights are still 20/4 ... ON @ 9AM , OFF @ 5AM along with the AC and dedicated 6" 55CFM Computer Fan solely for my hood ducting are on same timer as ballast.

Crazy what 8hours of light will do for these plants. I'll never go CFL again. (Other than seedling, sprout and clone that is :)


Anybody even reading this journal? Needa know if I start a VERY dilute nute will it be beneficial or negative? I'm talking like 1/8-1/4 strength nute solution.



Well-Known Member
Wait.. with FFOF, if you are transplanting up in pot sizes, can generally last most the way through veg. Keep an eye on the plant, if it starts getting pale, then start with feeding.


Thank you for the first replyreply hbbum (surf city by any chance?) And they look good right now, just want to maximize growth as soon as im able to. And the FFOF is from my uncles previous grow. Kind of dried out and some of the soil nutes may have depleted (correct me if I'm wrong) and soil was pretty dry when i got it.


Well-Known Member
Should still be fine as long as it wasn't used. One thing you may want to consider early on is adding a little molasses to your water or even making a simple EWC tea since it is nearly impossible to burn with a properly made tea.

I use 1 cup of castings(in cheesecloth or a nylon to save your airstone) and a tbsp or 2 of molasses and bubble that with an airstone overnight in 1 then water with that. Later in the grow I add some compost and dry fertilizer to the tea. These are per gallon of water.


I use 1 cup of castings(in cheesecloth or a nylon to save your airstone) and a tbsp or 2 of molasses and bubble that with an airstone overnight in 1 then water with that. Later in the grow I add some compost and dry fertilizer to the tea. These are per gallon of water.
HB don't use any commercially prepped nutes? All organic for you?


Well-Known Member
I use commercially prepared, but I have been trying to stick organic this round and let the soil do all of the work. The happyfrog 5-8-4 is a dry mix of organic that I use as a top dressing and occasionally in the teas. I put some non-organic my last round because I was seeing yellowing I did not like, I suspect it may be pH because my pen died(when I dropped it on the cement). I only use to organic to try to keep all of the microbes in the soil happy and healthy.


So I'm assuming this is just signs of over watering? And NOT nute burn. I've added 1/8 solution for one feeding 3 days ago and only water since. 1/8 solution of botanicare pro grow and hormex.... Cutting back watering till they correct themselves. How much should I be watering(should there be any runoff?) and whats the correct pH of water i should be watering with(5.9-6.5?)


Here's the top of my other plant: (Seems to be fine?)


I think is was over watering haha. Left it alone for a few hours and she's coming back around. Good to see my nutes solution wasn't too strong. I think I'll continue the regimen once it perks up and takes in more light.


Also I adjusted my AC for better energy conservation... My rH is now at 46%... Is this too low? Sorry I have so many questions...

My problem is I love too much.


Update for anyone paying attention... Ending week 3 of veg... Still at 1/4 strength nutes.... Switching up to 1/2 strength today. How do they look SO far? Gonna be able to tell sex soon ya think?



Well-Known Member
They look good. Seems early to sex them just yet, but I grow from clone so have not needed to worry about that as of yet. Can you get a photo from the side? Difficult to tell the size from a top only shot. Leaves look great though.


Side view... Moved them about a foot further from the light @ 1am pacific time, and that pic was sent to me at 1:30pm ... Got quite a bit taller in the last 12 hours...



Well-Known Member
They look great! I love those indica leaves, I bet they blow up in the next week in size. Right about now you could consider bending them over for LST or topping. I love those smart pots because I can just put a safety pin in it and then use the little wire ties to bend them over. It seems like when I start bending them about they really start to grow :D


I popped these in soil on 8/15 ... Seems to be growing kinda slow, no? I'm almost a month from seed. Thought I would've seen more results by now. And how many plants you think it'd take to fill a 1½' x 2½' screen? So many options. Now I know what my teachers meant when they said I had potential :)


Well-Known Member
I grow from clone, so I cannot really say if that is slow or fast :)

On the size bit though, you could easily just use a single plant to fill a screen that size. I do a single plant and fill a 2x2 space to a point where it is scrapping all 4 sides and could use more space. IMO, it is way easier to deal with a single container when you are just getting started, if you run multiple strains you could run into having to mix different batches for your feedings.
If you like you can take a look at my current and last grow roughly the same dimensions you have, at least width and depth, my height is a bit over 5'

Strawberry Dream(Flowering)
Jedi OG Kush Journal (Harvest Complete)


See height isn't an issue... Got about 6' vertical room. Its a veg/flower box. And could I get clones and have them grow equally or am I going to be dealing with even canopy issues?

And to top- cut the new growth right after the newest node? Or is that fimming? Sorry noob here :/ thank you for any references or information.


And light is approximately 2' from plant. Should I bring it closer? Temps at canopy are 74-78 and humidity is at 47%-55%

Semi-active intake (ac going through ducting to box) exhaust is a duct booster at 170cfm

Bought a humidifier cause my humidity wouldn't go above25%... Turned it on for one llight on cycle and haven't turned it on since and maintaining 47-55% lol. Waste of $6 lol