Stealth Armoire 400W MH/HPS Game OG Seeds


Well-Known Member
Air cooled hood you should be able to get it 10-12" away with a 400W which would be better as long as you can control the heat at the canopy and you are getting good footprint coverage.


So I over watered one and its drooping reeeeeally bad..... Transplanted both plants from #1 pots into #2 smartpot, and put in new dry soil. I noticed they were root bound cause I packed the soil too tightly. Loosely filled the #2 pots this time and added some perlite to my soil. Not just the top. Think the droopy one will survive?


Well-Known Member
Not a big deal if they get a little droopy, just make sure you let it dry out before the next watering. Mine get that way after most waterings and if I take too long between waterings as well.


I trashed the plant. Figured I have 1 healthy one and as soon as I get back from riot fest in Chicago I'm gonna get 4 herojuana clones... Scrog 5 plants in my space gonna be too tight? (Assuming I get 5 females)


Well-Known Member
Well, unless you hermie them, your clones should be female. If not the place your getting them from is screwing you.


True. Didn't really think about parent genetics lol. But would a 5 plant scrog be too much for my space? Also would a 50w LED 45 blue/ 6 red be good in my cab or would it be trumped by the 400w mh? Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
I have a little LED I use in my tiny cab for veg and it does fine for just keeping the plant alive, no comparison for the MH for growth though. If you can fit the pots, you can put as many as you want, may be closer to a sea of green than a screen of green with 5 though, hard to tell from the pics though.



The straggler died of underwatering/heat stroke while I was on vacation... Managed to revive the remaining one (which I'd topped before I left) cut one of the two new shoots (already had 2 well spaced nodes) for a clone, and LSTd my baby. Within a couple hours it had corrected itself and straightened out. I pruned and trained a couple leaves...

Here's a side picture:

Top picture:


BUMPdate Update...

finally in flower. Bout 2 weeks past 12/12 switch and a week into flower... (I force flowered my plant the revegged over a month span so may be technically 3 weeks into flower bypassing the transition cause the force flower. weeks into flower. Needa flush due to a little nute burn or pH problem. Might wait it out. Advice? Feeding ½ strength hibrix molasses, delta 9 silicate, delta 9 double or nothing, delta 9 ocean grown, and cutting back my veg nutes which are also ½strength and are as followed: botanicare pro grow and some seakelp. Also humboldt nutrients white widow myco powder in for roots.
SCROG ...ish

this is my Game OG plant... Wondering if the colas will swell up? Really hoping so... The look PATHETIC.

Any advice on what to do from here is more than appreciated.

Stay stone.
*First Post* lol. Looking over your journal and especially the last post I think you are going too mad scientist with your set up. Ask any seasoned grower no matter what the plant is and they will say simplicity rules in soil. Soil can only buffer so much. Your fan leaves are only showing 3 leaves at the most which in my experience indicates your girls are not happy :/, hence the small flowers you have.