Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

about the seeds...

i just had read the widow makers huge post on "growing pot" and it said use a washcloth or w/e

i know that if the seeds are real old they might just be dead yanno, if they get a little wet and they get activated and then die then they are no good i think

my bedroom has its own attic door, and its the only door to that attic, so im not to concerned about being found out.

its funny nontheless since my parents would probly laugh if they caught me, i would offer them 10% of my crop and theyd be cool about it
Pick up a 150-250 watt hps system. That wont be too much as long as you have good ventilation man. You'll just have to tie your plants down, or any form of growing 'horizontally'.
Hey people... More pics...I raised the 2 smaller ones something i should have done a long time ago.. Now there closer to the bulbs and just from yesterday the smaller ones have got way bigger... Take a look...:joint:
Is the First Picture Below The result of "Stretching"?




Are they Supposed To sag like this? This is the most full one with the most leaves so far so is that Why?

the first one looks like it did stretch a little bit do u have a fan blowing air on the stems? (intake could just be at the same height of the plants that should work just so the stem will get thicker and even though its a little stretched the thicker the stem the better the plant can support it self
Ya the fan blows the leaves and stuff when you look at the plants the leaves move... I think Just enuff...Well We will see i guess... Another question I have is I wanted to transplant the 2 bigger ones... the roots are showing like crazy through the cup. I don't want them to get root bound... Now is there a special way? I was gunna put the whole Plant and all the soil its in the cup with to the 6 Inch round flower pots with drainage i have... Is that Right?:joint:

This Is The pot...

thats the way to do it.I place my hand over the stem at the base,the stem between my fingers,and turn it upside down to release the root ball,the place the entire thing into your premoistened soil enough to cover the root ball,and cover with the new soil.Done.Hope it helps.
Ok i put my Soil into my new pot make a big enuff hole to fit the cups contents right? Then cover it up right? does the ball of soil your putting in have to be level with the new soil or more sunk in? I just dunt wana fuck it up...
thats right just take the whole thing and plce it into your new pot,deeper than the surface to cover the old dirt,this helps ease transplant shock,and distributes the moisture evenly.
Ok Man thnx... But The Bigger bushy plant looks like the top leaves are sagging down on to the lower leaves maybe because the top ones are bigger and heavier than the ones beneath them..???

The PLants Are on there 16th day... Are they going slow because im using pro mix and theres no Nutes yet??? I will be adding the nuted when i transplant is that ok?? And im guessing when the nutes are added the growth gets faster or am I mistaken?:confused:
What's up? Great job on the stealth cab!

Your plants look really healthy! As a note from earlier, the purple stems would either be due to cold temperatures or a phosphorous deficiency, not a nitrogen deficiency. A nitrogen deficiency will be noted by a very light green (sometimes almost yellow) tint to the new growth.

Don't worry about it, though. Your plants look beautiful. Nice work!!!

Thanx Man I appreciate it but i think all the talk about them bieng healthy is going down the drain....:confused: Im posting some pictures with some comments that are reallllllly making me scratch my noggin Please let me know what you think it is..:confused:

Im Using ProMIX...


Please Help...
Don't worry about the first set of leaves, but the second set I don't know about. Check out the sick plant forum, might have some info there. I don't know much about soil, so I'm limited on help, :mrgreen:


Note: The dark tint is not a problem.
After A Couple Hours of the transplant... Im getting Scared that something is wrong with them PLEASE HELP!!:confused:






How much light are you using?? Like what's ur totally lumen output? Maybe they need more light.. Just something to consider.

Good Luck.. Hope you get everything sorted out soon. =]