Stealth Grow Mommy


Active Member
thats just funny all i can say on that :P your forgetting the point some people wanna grow for a few bucks not 500$ as for the soil just mix in some perlite and your good to go. you cant get by with no nutes i tried and around 2-3 weeks they needed it. you can get some schultz 10-15-10 all purpose from walmart or whatever has a small garden section still left in winter. its only like 5$ and doin me good so far. using it through flowering to but adding molasses so ill see how it turns out as a flowering nute
My reading comprehension/memory is quite good. But I think if newbies would ask themselves, how many times and monies have been spent on so called "good shit" weed in the past from some dickhead that is turning profit? I think a $200 Windtunnel/Can Fan ventilation would be a drop in the bucket toward a sustainable bud making machine compared to the wasted money. Just trying to motivate that's all.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip skervy. I did cave and buy some all purpose plant food so hopefully that'll be good enough once they start needing it.

"it's good in the ghetto" eh?

I'm not from the ghetto sweetie. I'm actually a little bit of a spoiled bitch. Grew up in a nice neighborhood, went to the best schools, 4 year college degree and my husband makes enough for me to stay home with our son comfortably. I've got nothing against the "ghetto" or anyone who lives there, but you should never assume you know anything about people on these boards. Just for the record. xoxo. ;)


Active Member
Ok, now that I've made myself look like a complete bitch it's time for an update! :)

So this morning I got the roaster pan put in to reflect the light a little better. So far it's working really well. My only concern is that it's going to get too hot in there because just after a few minutes the pan was warm to the touch, but I have a big box fan blowing on it (on low so it doesn't knock anything over) so hopefully that'll keep the temp down in there. So here are some before/after pics. You can definitely tell how much light is being blocked by that pan.

My first plant to ever sprout is finally bouncing back. The bottom leaves are falling off and on top I FINALLY have my first 3 point leaf. Took for-fucking-ever.

And the runt of the last litter is looking a little off to me. For some bizarre reason it just doesn't look like the rest of the plants did when they first sprouted. The rest had short looking clover leaves then 2 MJ leaves, this one has 2 really long leaves and 2 possible MJ leaves. I don't know how it could be anything else but it just looks a little off to me...maybe different strains look different, I'm honestly not sure. If you have any thoughts let me know.

So there may not be an update for a while. Not really much to show until the new sprouts come up. I'll post a pic and do an update as soon as that happens. Everyone have a good (and safe) New Years.


Active Member
um are ya sure that last one is WEED and not A WEED lol it looks a bit off ^^ ive seen flat leaves like that but on clones and it has no starter thingies. it looks like these little weeds t hat grow in my soil but yours is alot bigger lol. anywho notice how much brighter is it over the cups now with a reflector :) trim the side some so air can pass up the sides. like cut it back to where its just longer then the lights


Active Member

First seedling popped up this morning. 2 more to go and a couple seeds still germing.

So I'm pretty sure you're right and that one is a weed. Some guy I know who I smoke a lot with keeps insisting it may just be a different kind of strain but he's just like I was, smoker not grower. At least now I have some research and experience up my cuff. Time to go bye bye. :(

I took pictures but I'm far too high to use the micro sd adapter thing. Maybe next time...


Active Member
lol read the entire thread.. Sorry about your luck so far, the more i read the more i feel lucky to have not had any major (or minor really) problems. Ima scribe to this thread, you u have any questions feel free to pm me, i work from home and check my email 2x hour so it wont take long to get a response..

Im not sure if u scribed to my thread but u did comment on it.. if not, heres a link for ya.

Best of luck, and happy growin!


Active Member
Update (with pictures):

My other 2 seedlings sprouted this morning. The first one grew as much in a single night as my last batch did in the first few days. Obviously there's something to having an actual light setup, lol.

Here's the lineup...

#1 (sprouted 01/02/10)

Plant #2 (sprouted 01/03/10)

Plant #3 (sprouted 01/03/10)

And here's a couple shots of the one plant that is still alive from the first batch...

The "crispy-ness" on the 2nd set of leaves from the bottom is from when I first added the roasting pan above the lights...hard to tell if the plants are placed right since it's so low and I may have left the leaves touching one of the bulbs for a few's not dead yet though!!!

There's nothing else to update really. I have a couple more seeds germing since the last few never sprouted. I want at 6 plants veging so that I can *hopefully* get at least 1 or 2 females out of it. Guess we'll see though.


Active Member
hey, i looked on to give you a parts list so your 2nd attempt will be successful..

This is what i recommend.

Light bulbs-42w-2,700k, 2,800 lumen, $8.44 per bulb.

Light Bulb to Socket Adapters: $2.00 Each

Power Strip:
Im sure u have one of these laying around.

Between the lights u have now and those 42w'ers you will be on your way to some nice homegrown. All for less then $25 bucks.
Hey agent, nice to see the plants are coming along, I am new here too, but I have learned more on this site then any where else!!! I am on my second grow and the first was a great learning experience!!! I am subscribed and looking forward to see how this turns out for you!!!


Active Member
Scrapdizle - I'll def be looking to expanding my light setup after next harvest. I like that little setup you got there too. :)

Newgreenhobby - I agree, RIU has been my best source by far. Let me know how yours goes. You got a journal?


Active Member
Woke up this morning and checked on the plants. They're growing beautifully thus far. It's crazy how I can actually see how much #1 grows everyday. All 3 of the little plants already have some really thick stems on 'em. The only thing I'm worried about is that I kept them on 18/6 from the beginning instead of doing a week of 24/0 like everyone says. I just didn't want to leave the lights on 24/0 for the one plant that I have in there that's already in it's 4th week...even if it does look like it's only 2 weeks old. :(

scrapdizle - I get what you're saying though I must say I really hope you're wrong. I've already put more $ into this grow than I originally intended, though not by much, and I'm trying not to spend anything else. I know, I know, if you want good weed you have to spend some money...but the point of this is to be an economic grow. Sure, $25 is a drop in the bucket, no big, but my original goal was $50 and supplies anyone can find around the house. And if I did use the kind of setup you showed me it would involve adjusting my setup completely and finding a way to raise and lower the powerstrip with ease. Basically what I'm trying to get as is the grow I have now is small and simple. I don't want to overcomplicate (or overspend) with my first try. If you look at the very first pictures I posted you'll see this is already a huge step up for me, lol. That's not to say that when these plants go into flowering and I (hopefully) add a 2nd cabinet I won't be stealing that lighting setup. ;)


Active Member
i hear ya, im as thrifty as they come haha.. Whats the word on the vent system? I remember you saying ur hubby found a fan or something, but was it ever installed?


Yep. Xbox and Super Nintendo in the bedroom. Play Station 2 and Wii in the living room. The husband wants a PS3 or 360 but I figure we have enough for now.

Thank you for the advice! I've got them replanted as deep as I can now...given that their roots were almost as deep as the original pot. I've got a box fan in front of the trunk with the trunk door blocking most of the breeze. Just enough to make them sway without knocking them over. The lights are about as close as I can get without burning the tips. I'm going to add a couple more bulbs as soon as I can get out of my driveway. SO sick of snow already.

Here are some pictures of the new setup. I want to set up some kind of exhaust system but I may wait and see how well this box fan works first. Opinions welcome!

Where did you get your cfl light fixture from?


Active Member
scrapdizle - Ah, the exhaust fan. Subject of much debate in the household, lol. The husband has one out in our shed that I've been nagging him to bring in but it's still freezing balls here and there's literally 3 feet of snow in front of the shed doors and he doesn't wanna shovel. The fan seems to be working ok for now and I'm concocting a plan for a 2nd grow cabinet for the flowering stage when the smell gets real bad so I may just wait and use it on that one. This cabinet is going to be planned out much better than the current one...which was set up on a whim and a prayer.

hall420 - I bought everything at Home Depot. You know those work lights with the plastic around the bulb that you use when working on cars? Well it's one of those, minus the plastic, and adding a Y splitter...only now I added 2 more Y splitters so instead of 2 bulbs I have 4. And in that picture I was only using the 60wt equiv. and now I have 4x100wt. It's working a lot better now. :) But it's still not as good as some other setups I've seen. Looking to do better with the next build. I was just trying to keep it cheap with this one. Everything for the grow from dirt to bulbs was under $50.


It's just like...well...watching plants grow.


Active Member

Nothing major has changed. Just thought I'd post some pics to show their growth over the last couple days. I can already see nubs of the 2nd set of MJ leaves. I'm very excited that they're growing better that the old ones were.

OH! And...the husband got his hands on a cabinet for my flowering stage. No details on size or anything but no matter what it's better than nothing. I'm gonna put some plans together before I start painting and drilling that way I actually know what my final goal is exactly. At least now I'll have a project to keep me busy since I'm probably going to get snowed it again this evening. Anyone else hate winter? Of course I'll post pictures once I get it set up.

So, here we go. The lineup.

#1 (sprouted 1/2/2010)

#2 (sprouted 1/3/2010)

#3 (sprouted 1/3/2010)

The original from a couple different angles. The lights got to it again since I'm trying to keep them as low as possible for the little plants. But it still ain't dead yet!



Active Member
Quick note...4 more of my seeds have sprouted so those'll be planted this evening just before lights out so they probably won't sprout for a couple days. I just wanna get 'em off my counter and into some dirt. There should be enough room. I'm *hoping* to get 2 females out of 8 plants but you never know. I could get 8, I could get 0. Guess we'll see.

Also, my wonderful husband couldn't fit the cabinet he got in his car so he has to leave it there until he can take my car in (it doesn't handle as well in all this snow). So much for a project to keep me busy, eh?


Active Member
I wasn't going to "update" with pictures for a couple more days because they look just about the same as they did before but the kid is napping and I'm bored as hell (he lost the TV remote earlier today, no clue where it is) so I figured why not.





Here's the "old" plant. Yes, I moved it to a party cup. Yes, this is counter productive. My reasoning, you ask? Well it was in a tall cup before plus the stem was really streched out so I was having to keep my lights super high so it didn't get burnt, which is only going to make the new plants strech like the first. Sooooo, "old" plant went in a little cup buried to the bottom leaves so I could lower my lights a ton. I think it'll really help the smaller plants. Anyway, a couple different pics of it. It went all droopy after being put in the small cup so who knows if it'll make it.

And finally, here's a picure of all the plants in the cabinet so you can get an idea of how crowded it's getting in there. Still no sprouts from the 4 seeds that got planted the other day. Maybe tomorrow. :)
