stealth speaker bagseed grow


Active Member
So i retrieved some seeds that i planted a while back outside a few minutes from my house. There were various storms that had taken a toll on them, but not only that. the spider mites had eaten all of one plant except the stem which remained alive. I brought the plants back to my home and transplanted them into their new home in my stealth grow room. Its in one of my speaker cabinets i don't use anymore. For now i am using 1 23 watt cfl and i am putting a fan in there tomorrow sucking air from the input jacks. The stick i dubbed FEAK and the larger plant is Albert Hoffman. There looks to be new leafs coming in on FEAK. unfortunately you cannot tell from the picture.

I am germinating 2 more premature seeds of the same unkown strain as the larger plant. I will post picks when they sprout into seedlings.



Active Member
The seeds i am germinating are just starting to pop out of the soil, and like i thought the other plants are almost dead. it was worth a try to save them tho. I wasn't really expecting them to make it.


Active Member
i started germinating a third seed which I'm not quite sure of what it is. I was pretty stoned when i was told. He said it was O.G. kush, white widow and something called russian gold. Or he might have said it was one of the 3 haha
But i started germinating it 2 nights ago and the sprout popped out sometime last night, so i stuck it in a cup with soil this morning. The other seeds haven't made to much progress since the last post.


Well-Known Member
I love speaker grows! I use an old Fender amp as a mother/clone box so i can have a perpetual stream of females. Once you get the ventilation covered, they're some smooth sailin' growing in them...


Active Member
So 2 of the 3 seeds i began germination on unfortunately did not survive. Also it is Unfortunate that one of them was the o.g. white widow.
The other is alive but still has made little to no advancements
it popped out of the soil slightly with it's seed still on but has not proceeded in growth. 4 days ago i started germination on one unknown bagseed and a Master Haze seed.
here they are today along with the seed popping out of the dirt. The MH is the bigger of the 2 seedlings.
i should note that they are 12/12 from seed



Well-Known Member

Those first pics look like you had your plants soaking in water. Then they died. Is this a hydroponic grow? You did mention soil.

It's generally not recommended to grow in clear containers. Something about the light and the roots don't really like each other.

Keep planting seeds. Meanwhile, read up a bit on growing. It'll be worth your while, I guarantee it.


Active Member
i left those outside in a whole month of story weather down the trail from my house and i retrieved them to try and save them
i didn't expect them to live but w/e
some plants will be hydro
others soil
whichever i decide
and yes i agree about the root thing
i was going to cover up the two plants roots using black tape or something of that sort soon
just been to lazy


Well-Known Member
You'll reap from your garden what you choose to put into it. A little effort will return itself in the yield.

I wish you the best of luck.