Stealth suggestions for mailing weed!!


Well-Known Member
well i know hawaii is in the us so its not really international but your still flying it out of the general part of the us and everything going out and coming in gets searched these days every company has dogs thanks to the arabs with their whack powder , idk if you think you got a chance go for it


Well-Known Member
How would coffee be any more obvious then a can of pringles...who mails a can of pringles...or are you saying the coffee would be obvious because you could smell it? because in that case trust me you cant, not through a jar and box
"who mails a can of pringles"

dude, that made me laugh my ass off.

I would be sending a bunch of snack food stuff. I would be paranoid about coffee probably from all the drug bust shows and movies and stuff ive seen that used a coffee cover- up. It just seems too obvious or something i guess. Not too logical, I know.


Well-Known Member
well i know hawaii is in the us so its not really international but your still flying it out of the general part of the us and everything going out and coming in gets searched these days every company has dogs thanks to the arabs with their whack powder , idk if you think you got a chance go for it
Yeah. I know there is a chance it never shows up. But with a return address that is not mine the only risk I see is losing the oz of weed


Well-Known Member
well i know hawaii is in the us so its not really international but your still flying it out of the general part of the us and everything going out and coming in gets searched these days every company has dogs thanks to the arabs with their whack powder , idk if you think you got a chance go for it
I know someone that works for FedEx and I KNOW they don't use dogs... within the mainland I know they don't. Hawaii I'm sure you are right, but just foodsaver. you'll be fine. ALWAYS FOODSAVER. Even when you are driving or delivering more than an 8th. It's worth it making sure you're ass is covered!
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Well-Known Member
Dude dont worry about sending pringles. My Grandma sends me wierd shit all the time. I've got cookies from her, home made.

Tell us if it works because I'll need to know soon =]


Well-Known Member
Vacuum-sealing works fine for me... I mail packages all over the country and they have all showed up promptly. Pay the extra for Overnight delivery from FedEx. When I send hash I shape it into a square before I vacuum-seal it, if they wonder what it is I mention "computer parts". If you're vacuum-sealing a quantity of weed, send it with another item so that if your package is X-rayed, they can assume that the weed is packing material.


Well-Known Member
Vacuum-sealing works fine for me... I mail packages all over the country and they have all showed up promptly. Pay the extra for Overnight delivery from FedEx. When I send hash I shape it into a square before I vacuum-seal it, if they wonder what it is I mention "computer parts". If you're vacuum-sealing a quantity of weed, send it with another item so that if your package is X-rayed, they can assume that the weed is packing material.
BINGO! My point exactly! Good shit dude.


Well-Known Member
My sister-in-law sends me smoke from Riverside CA every time she harvests..It only got stopped once because she forgot the return address..She throws it in a box with what ever... Hell one time it was in with rolled up news papers thats it...


Well-Known Member
Foodsaver inside a another Foodsaver (double wrapped).

Put it inside of a metal model train. Like the ones you had as a kid.

The metal keeps the Xrays from showing what's inside. The Foodsavers works for the smell.

Coffee cans are well known...

Use rubber gloves when putting everything together. Watch for hair or any other DNA evidence that could be used against you.

Make sure you use a fake return address.

One more word of advice... Don't do it. The benefits don't out way the risks.


Well-Known Member
If I was ever worried about dogs checking my shit.. I would just adopt a cat put it and my stash in a kennel and put it on the plane. Get where im going and turn the cat back in for adoption...


Well-Known Member
If I was ever worried about dogs checking my shit.. I would just adopt a cat put it and my stash in a kennel and put it on the plane. Get where im going and turn the cat back in for adoption...
I'm not worried about getting busted because it is being delivered to a residence that is mostly occupied by vacationing renters. The package will be delivered to the mailbox at the condo complex. Nobody has access to the mailbox as it is keyed. You know, one of those big sets of mailboxes with a couple large holding lock boxes for larger than letter size mail.

The package gets delivered before I arrive. Then I simply pick it up and smoke it out!

My only worry is that it gets found out and hijacked. That would be a bummer.