stems + vodka


Active Member
ok i already asked a green dragon question but heres another one i need to know and really havnt gotten a straight answer on. can you make weed vodka using a ton of stems, ive gotten both answers and i have no idea which to believe.


Active Member
from what I understand stems, leaves etc will all contribute to helping the green dragon. so if all you want to use is stems you might need to use a bunch since they might not hold a lot of THC.

Chef Boyardee

Active Member
I made weed infused ever clear.

I just ground up 1g bud then got a little bottle & put 1oz of ever clear (not real ever clear, the fake stuff @ Bev Mo)

I let it sit in the dark for 3 weeks. I heard you are supposed to only try 1/4 of a shot @ a time. The stuff tastes awful if shot like a shot, but sure enough with in 10-15 mins i started to feel the effects.

After 45 mins it kinda started to fade. So i took a 1/2oz of the stuff & mixed it with some spicey bloody marry mixer. That was pretty good.

It begain to take hold again within 15 mins & kept ragin for another 2 hours.

If i was to do it again...I would keep the same recipe & prep, but shoot the whole shot right from the get go.