Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.

Maybe you serve no purpose. Maybe you are here for no reason....In short , speak for yourself
Your personal feelings aside he is correct; when you think on a cosmic level, individually we're smaller and less important than a single bacteria living on door handle or whatever.

It's not a very humanistic view to take but it is technically correct.
Your personal feelings aside he is correct; when you think on a cosmic level, individually we're smaller and less important than a single bacteria living on door handle or whatever.

It's not a very humanistic view to take but it is technically correct.

The ego is a dangerous thing. ;)
does any one believe as i do?? personally i think free energy has been developed, used by a secret government, a secret space proigram, even the president doesnt know the truth plausible denyability.. there are humans travelling space wright now,, but it must stay hidden from the public,, as free energy would cause people to not work there lives away.. if we didnt have to put gas in our cars, and pay electric and gas bills, we wouldnt have to work so much,, both perents wouldnt need to work..
we have nuclear submarines,, nuclear power plants last hundreds of years, producing power that we all pay for,even after the plant is paid off the rest is pur proffit,,hundreds of years just proffit...
i mean we are being told there have been no advances in propulsion systems in 40 years,, we went from riding horses to cars,electrisity, the moon in 70 years... then 40 years of absolutly nothing!!! just computers,, they got smaller...
does any one believe as i do?? personally i think free energy has been developed, used by a secret government, a secret space proigram, even the president doesnt know the truth plausible denyability.. there are humans travelling space wright now,, but it must stay hidden from the public,, as free energy would cause people to not work there lives away.. if we didnt have to put gas in our cars, and pay electric and gas bills, we wouldnt have to work so much,, both perents wouldnt need to work..
we have nuclear submarines,, nuclear power plants last hundreds of years, producing power that we all pay for,even after the plant is paid off the rest is pur proffit,,hundreds of years just proffit...
i mean we are being told there have been no advances in propulsion systems in 40 years,, we went from riding horses to cars,electrisity, the moon in 70 years... then 40 years of absolutly nothing!!! just computers,, they got smaller...
You are kidding. Right?
It's the Prozac, turned his brain to mush. And that's after meth damage.
for any of the most brilliant physicists to figure, based on history and current knowledge of physics and astrophysics , the time of some catastrophe with an accuracy of between 1,000 and 10,000 years would not be uncanny.
Fuck I could predict that, except I don't need the ATTENTION like Hawkings
Lets face Hawkings is irrelevant always has been
Life on earth could go kaput anytime, no point worrying about it, we are over due for a plague or some other calamity
All you really need to do, is get ready to rug up when the next inevitable ICE AGE gets here,
if we survive that long
Fuck I could predict that, except I don't need the ATTENTION like Hawkings
Lets face Hawkings is irrelevant always has been
Life on earth could go kaput anytime, no point worrying about it, we are over due for a plague or some other calamity
All you really need to do, is get ready to rug up when the next inevitable ICE AGE gets here,
if we survive that long

what a fragile little snowflake.