stick with foxfarm or try something new?


so this is my 2ed grow ever the first 1 went ok useing fox farm gorw big, big bloom and tiger bloom (5 gal dwc) i got 5 1/2 oz dry off 1 plant about 3 1/2 feet tall it was a bush not bad but all the buds were small popcorn like so i was wondering shouild i stick with fox farm and try adding ther solubles or just go with something different? also have another ? my first grow hermed on me at the end so i was wondering if the seeds that that plant had would be female seeds the first gorw was a lil stressed here and there had to move her a few time dew to land loard coming over thought out the flowering stage i belive i had light leaks and think thats y it hermed on me. i just started to germ some of the seeds from the 1st grow to day i hope they r female what do u think. with this grow i have a place were my ladies can stay with out being moved also bought a tent so prevent my light leaks the first 1 was in a closet cabinet heres a link to my first grow any thought would help thanks


Active Member
i'm useing F.F. right now. seems ok. i bought some dyna-grow for might next go around. so i can see for myself which one works better. i used botanicare on my first grow.