sticky situation !


Well-Known Member
My girl has her parents coming down in a couple weeks and my plants are going to be in full bloom in my closet.

they are staying 5 days (not sure if they will be over everyday or just do their own thing)

options I came up with:
Storage unit for $50

converting to soil and put in woods at my friends (if they survive leaving hydro)

Just lock the closet and call it a day

cut the plants and hope there is a decent amount of thc

(they are prob a couple weeks into flower lowryder x ak47)

What would YOU do?




Active Member
lock the closet and your room is off limits. its your place right? make them sleep as far away from the closet as possible, i wouldn't try to switch to dirt , and the storage unit sounds sketchy...
Now this is only because its lowriderXAk47

if it was bagseed id say throw them out in the woods.


If the odor is not bad and there are no light leaks, lock the closet. If they want to know whats in there, tell them its the dismembered remains of the last person that tried to get in that closet.


Well-Known Member
i would keep them well away from my grow room. keep the door to the room with closet closed and the closet door closed any time they will be around.


Well-Known Member
the smell isnt bad , yet. I fear it may become bad before they arrive. The light leaks out the room real bad. I guess I could put up panda film around the edges or something i dunno. I also need to buy a lock for the door (its the laundry room) Luckily the parents are staying in a hotel a couple min away .....


Active Member
Hmmm, well I would go and buy some ona block for the smell. There is some shit that smells like laundry detergent stuff so you could just use a shit load of that to deal with the smell. LOCK THE DOOR!!! Don't let them go near that room... I would also buy a massive amount of duct tape and go in the room and just start taping the edges of the door and keep putting it on until the light doesn't leak through anymore. That's what I did when I grew it my closet and it worked great.

The duct tape also keeps the smell in to a degree...


Active Member
I recommend weather stripping for around the door. The cheap foam on-the-roll with a sticky side. Yay trip to home depot :P


Well-Known Member
I have a portable ac in the room that vents through the dryervent but its not hooked up right now ( sometimes trips the circuit) Im concerned about no air getting into the room if I do that.

The ac might be too loud...

is there any way the plants would survive a couple days with no light?


Active Member
Eh, that wouldn't be too good for them... It would probably be better that they were too hot with little air flow for a couple of days then no light at all


Well-Known Member
ok all u need to is light poof the room panda film duct tape whatever it takes then get some of the odor eators from store and either a ona block or a ozone generator this one is a lil expensive but keeps smell at bay lock the door and that is it

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Are you married? I'd just pretend like it isn't even there. Stay out of the house as much as possable.

On 2nd thought, tell them you have a pet skunk.