Sticky's Chemo Hydro Grow


Active Member
Hey all this is my first hydroponics grow and I decided to switch up the seedling germination process alittle to experment with what will work.

First of all I have aquired all 10 of these Chemo Seeds from B.C. This is one hell of a medicinal strain and I can't wait to see her in full bloom.

I'll be growing 4 of my girls in a Tupperware 18 gallon Tub with 4 holes drilled out at 5" each. I'm suspending the plants in 5" netted hydroponic baskets, I have a total of 10 for this grow. I will be using Hydroton Clay Pebbels for the growing medium.

I will be using a 1000w HPS for this grow, and hope I can get some sleep at night because of it.

I have a couple compact flouro's for the buggers when they brake soil..err rock wool.

Now as far as seed germination goes, I did it alittle funky.

I got bored and wanted to see what different ways I could get the little girls to sprout a tap root.

As you can see I made a poor mans "mini hydroponic" setup.

Soaked the rock wool cube, placed the pre germed seed into the rockwool, and dropped the rock wool into the hydro basket and filled up around the rockwool with the clay pebels. I followed up with a couple plastic baggies over the top of the basket to keep alittle greenhouse moisture drip effect going. Placing the 2 baskets inside 2 hangers suspended over the bottom drawer of my freezer, now thats gangster.

Obviously when the seedlings break ground i'm moving the baskets into my 18 gallon hydroponic pump system setup.

The reason I had them in water is to see if it will premote a quicker sprout. Doubt it does anything but hell it's fun messing around with seeds.

The pictures attached show my 1000w hps and the squirl fan, as well as the mini hydro system I made for shits and giggles.

P.s. sorry for the crappy photo quality, I took these on my cell, camera quality pictures will be up by tomorrow.

Hope to get alotta positive feedback as this grow goes on, all the good energy should make these girls explode.

Stay High

:joint: Sticky Sage


Active Member

Some new pics of one of the finished tanks. Going to spraypaint the whole thing black tomorrow.

I've draped a black garbage bag over the baskets and then placed another tupperware bottom upsidedown on top of the whole thing, little home made humidity chamber.

Tell me what ya'll think.



Well-Known Member
Sweet man my personal fav to smoke is Chemo. Paid alot for it awhile back.. Give it some TLC and watch what u are gonna get ;) Enjoy!! I'll keep updated to your thread :)


Active Member
Here are some updated pics, I have the setup kinda rigged right now for the Temporary CFL ( Compact Flourecent Light ) that will be bringing these seedlings up. Once they are the right higheth ;) ill drop the 400w MH on the, and or the 1000w HPS.

Here are some updated pictures, all of the little girls have broke ground except for one, she's gonna be alittle late bloomer but for sure will be above ground tomorrow.

You can see how I have some mylar up closer then the mylar on the walls, just trying to utilize the 1 compact flouro I have, ill be snagging a couple more tomorrow just for the seedling stage.

little girls 1,2 and 3. 4 will be up tomorrow. Names coming tomorrow as well; from my girlfriend, wooo this should be cute.


Active Member
DAY 6 - here are the little ladies:

I havent been able to get my 400w Metal Halide fixture yet do to how busy i've been. So I tried running the 1k HPS on these little guys, it wasent a good idea, nothing bad came of it, just some stretching and a day of stunted growth. Oh well they are fine now under a CFL I need a couple more untill I can use the 400w MH and or the 1k HPS.

Tell me what ya'll think



Active Member
right now my problem is the person with my 400w MH is not here, im waiting for them still.

Im using a single compact flouro which sucks but its sitting right on the little girls

the 1k was too much I think for them at this stage, I need a less intense light for this seedling stage, when do you think I can throw the 1k HPS on them?

stay high


oh yeaa and im super pissed their stretching, oh well they will fix themselves, got the fan on them to keep tearing their stems to build them up stronger