Still Trimming :/


Well-Known Member
What's up my fellow cultivators! Well, I'm still at it, attempting to finish up the last ounce and a half of white widow that's still hanging upside down 30 days later. It's going to take all the energy I can muster to get it done, it's sooooo fucking tedious because there's a million leaves to clip..

Overall, it has been trial and error for me on my first grow. I started trimming some of the buds early ( only 12 days dry) and I have noticed the buds that I left to dry longer are much more smoother, and tastier, with a much better high. Very anxious to get started with my second season, spring can't come soon enough.

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I picked up some surreal herb at The Good Fellows in SF called Asian Fantasy. This ish is pure white. It's going to be a white christmas after all :)
Super heavy high, thc overload.. Slept like a baby !

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Well-Known Member
sounds like you missed the oppertunity to cure it.....and i hear ya trimming takes FOREVER!!


Active Member
trimdiity trim trim trim. 1 clean bud, 2 little scissors, 3 fingers sore, 4 trash bag, 5 closed windows, 6 piles of trim, 7 cups of grape seed oil, 8 hours a day, 9 days of work, and teeeeeeeeeeeen masons jars.

Have a ton of fun, and smoke them daily.