Stock Markets Look Ever More Like Ponzi Schemes

you threatened to come to my house and rape my infant daughter

but that's not your fault. nothing ever is

That’s the worst lie you have told yet. Quite a stretch from any comment I made.

But you are lower than any poster on the internet so bravo! You went even lower.
Read them yourself. You might accidentally learn something.
I didn't ask him to read them to me. I asked him to give me the names. I can see why you protect your sources seeing that you omit things they present and make up other shit out of whole cloth.
Yes, you're sorry.

I think you made a wise choice; those I know who joined ATC ended up with some health problems from stress.
It can be. Imagine 25-35 acfts in your sector/area and you have a thunderstorm level 5 incoming. That shit can get pretty hectic having to guide all calling for a different spot or same area ensuring that it is safe at Mach 0.85-0.92-...and guess what, more acfts can be coming:shock: and that is not even close to the worst thing happening.
What is it you do again ?
That’s the worst lie you have told yet. Quite a stretch from any comment I made.

But you are lower than any poster on the internet so bravo! You went even lower.

you said a nazi gave you directions to my house and you said you were gonna come over and "show them a good time"

you need shot, pedo
Post your own shit, fool
i already did post a picture of my health insurance card, proving i pay my own way

methigan hasn't because he's a mooch and we paid for his shoulder surgery which he needed after that failed armed robbery of the black family's house
It can be. Imagine 25-35 acfts in your sector/area and you have a thunderstorm level 5 incoming. That shit can get pretty hectic having to guide all calling for a different spot or same area ensuring that it is safe at Mach 0.85-0.92-...and guess what, more acfts can be coming:shock: and that is not even close to the worst thing happening.
What is it you do again ?
Read history.