Stoned Spiritual sex.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just completed the most incredible experience I think I've ever had, a stoned menage trois. I can't put into words the experience we had. Think tantra kicked in the a$$ my Emeril. It was definitely kicked up a notch.

Anyone else in the alternative lifestyles partake in deeply emotional poly relationships and sexuality? If you think being in love with one person is a ride try loving 3 other people, damn talk about incredible emotions.

Peace and love,


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's not for me, I'm the jealous type, but I think it can be a beautiful thing for those who are open to it.I've seen it work for some folks, and not for others. I have a hell of a time relaxing around one person, nevermind multiples!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Threesomes with strangers - Awesome!

Threesomes with someone I really care about involved - Anit-awesome! - Don't know why, maybe it's that jealous thing stoney mentioned :D


Well-Known Member
Threesomes with strangers - Awesome!

Threesomes with someone I really care about involved - Anit-awesome! - Don't know why, maybe it's that jealous thing stoney mentioned :D
I agree I like the random girl threesome. I don't think I would be down for the whole swinger thing, I might punch someone, men can get pretty cave-man like over their women.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just completed the most incredible experience I think I've ever had, a stoned menage trois. I can't put into words the experience we had. Think tantra kicked in the a$$ my Emeril. It was definitely kicked up a notch.

Anyone else in the alternative lifestyles partake in deeply emotional poly relationships and sexuality? If you think being in love with one person is a ride try loving 3 other people, damn talk about incredible emotions.

Peace and love,

how many penises were involved?


Well-Known Member
(Skip mine if you don't like long posts).

I could never share my man with another woman (or man). I did have a threesome with a hot guy & my best friend when I was 18-- it was interesting, but it didn't knock my socks off and it was definitely not spiritual. If in another life I did have another threesome, I would want to try it both ways- another (would have to be beautiful) girl + me + my husband, or another guy + me + my husband (this sounds a lot more fun to me). It wouldn't be spiritual to me though because I am a soul-mate kind of person; I couldn't love more than 1. Also I just plain will not share my man. I am extremely monogamous, and I expect the same loyalty from my man. He is very loyal and here is why...

I have amazing, mind-boggling, out-of-this-world spiritual sex with my husband. First I'll give some background, then I'll try to explain the spiritual aspects.

Background: We have been married for 9 years. Last year we went from what is probably normal and common for people with 2 young children-- mediocre sex 1-2x per week, with me not enjoying it, having no libido & being tired ALL the time-- to where we are now, which is making love every single day-- sometimes morning & evening, with me loving it and wanting it all the time. Plus I now have earth shattering O's. And lots of toys. Also, now I get dressed in the full lingerie get-up several times a week, with my awesome black skintight kinky thigh high rubber (5 inch) stiletto boots. Oh yeah also my husband has gone from receiving 1 BJ every 6 months to getting 3-5 per week.

I've most likely kept your attention up to now, but probably not for much longer.
I'll try to explain the spiritual side of things. Some will be uninterested in this, but I am a Christian, and according to my faith "the marriage bed is undefiled". Well this means we can do just about anything that does not involve bringing another person into the mix (this includes porn). So... that's what we do... anything and everything either of us want. There is nothing we won't do for each other.

Our experience of the marriage bed being undefiled is like this... both hubby & I agree that the world is disgusting and awful (well the bad things in the world are anyway); MOST people are shallow & some are malicious; our culture is totally performance driven. Etc etc... basically, the world is "defiled" and it completely breaks us down and destroys our spirit on a daily basis. Making love to my man every day is the only way to escape it all. It is the only place on earth we can go and without fail bask in pure peace and love, without limits. The feelings we get from expressing our love freely are a lot like being on the best roller coaster ever.

I think it's spiritual because I am usually high at night, and my mind tends to wander (I also think people are more open to spiritual things when high). Well I have noticed that if my mind does wander while we are messing around, I can get the super high pure love experience back by meditating on 1 of 2 thoughts: If I think either "I love God" or "I love D----" (my husband), that is all it takes for my worries to completely disappear and for the love roller coaster to return. The more I meditate on that love (either God's love, or my husband's or both), the more likely I will be driven completely out of my mind with pleasure (I'm talking to another universe).

I could explain it better, but my posts are long enough as it is.

Another benefit from having all this sex is that all the natural adrenaline and endorphins help me manage my fibromyalgia (chronic pain condition). All day long, my brain's pain signals are severely amplified, and if I overload on good feelings as much as possible, it counteracts some of the pain.

So anyway, there's my experience of spiritual sex, and my experience of a threesome. I wouldn't go back to the way things were before for a million dollars. Girls, find your inner vixen and get to know her well. Guys, give your woman the kind of love she needs.


Well-Known Member

To my wife and I sharing is the ultimate expression of love. The simplistic explanation is that in allowing her to be free to follow any desires she may have mundane or physical, I am not restricting her freedom or humanity. The converse is true as well. This comes out of her being bi-sexual. When she admitted her curiosity to me I was left with a decision. I chose that I loved her to the point that I wasn't willing to restrict her desire.

This lead to a series of events that has developed an understanding in us that love doesn't have to be singular. It took years to over come the social programming that imposes this restriction on humanity, but we did. Ultimately we fell madly in love with another couple, completely. None of us proscribe to judeo-christian theologies, so that set of rules isn't inviolate to us. We chose to be good people but not restrict ourselves for fear of admonishment from a supreme being.

You are correct in that intercourse, no matter the configuration, on its surface doesn't provide spiritual enlightenment, but true lovemaking certainly does. (Yes one can be spiritual without Christianity.)

John Lennon wrote: "The love you take is equal to the love you make." This being said I feel that romantic polyamorous relationships provide for an even higher since of connection with your spouse as your not only sharing a love for each other but a love you both have for others.

I think I was programmed this way as a child. I never understood why my first best friend got in a fight with my second best friend over my friendship when I was in gradeschool. I posed them the question as to why they both couldn't be my best friends and we could all hang out together. I later came to understand that romantic jealousy is no different that the three kids on the play ground in that it makes no sense.

I respect your opinions in that they are apropriate for your situation and theological belief system. However it is not the only way to feel sexually spiritual. Our romantic experiences with our lovers has always been spiritual and intense on a level that defies description. Our private inerludes are mindblowing as well and infact have had positive effects from our extramarital experiences. If we could we would gladly legally as well as spiritually bind ourselves to our lovers but unfortunately society believes us to be social parriahs which will 'infect' the rest of humanity.

It's the judeo-christian negativity and terms like 'defiled' that have not only opressed women for centuries but supressed all of humanity for over 1000 years. The higher plains of existance are paved by those who were unwilling to follow the rules. They say the creation of sea travel, space travel, technology, and an almost trippled life span. To remain confined on such personal level of love and romanticism to me is the same as going back to a typewriter because the computer and internet forums are to be feared. We chose to evolve past the social programming and enter an awareness of self that is not the common one. Awareness of self doesn't mean selfishness in fact it completely obliterates selfishness in that in sharing we've learned that we can benifit each other romantically while also benifiting others.

We tried monogamy and it ultimately lead us to bordom, restricted communications, shame in ourselves, and general dispair from the enclosure we surrounded ourself with. To each thier own, but to use such condmning language is vast majority of what is wrong with this society. Complete unwillingness to even try and understand an alternative view point creates copious ammounts of strife in society.

We tried judeo-christianaity and monoagmy and it simply didn't work for us, we both seek elightenment beyond that which is obtained in an organized religion. That enlightenment can only been seen through awareness of self and awareness of everything which effects others as well. So we chose to respect those who chose their path and ask that they allow us to experience ours.


(Skip mine if you don't like long posts).

I could never share my man with another woman (or man). I did have a threesome with a hot guy & my best friend when I was 18-- it was interesting, but it didn't knock my socks off and it was definitely not spiritual. If in another life I did have another threesome, I would want to try it both ways- another (would have to be beautiful) girl + me + my husband, or another guy + me + my husband (this sounds a lot more fun to me). It wouldn't be spiritual to me though because I am a soul-mate kind of person; I couldn't love more than 1. Also I just plain will not share my man. I am extremely monogamous, and I expect the same loyalty from my man. He is very loyal and here is why...

I have amazing, mind-boggling, out-of-this-world spiritual sex with my husband. First I'll give some background, then I'll try to explain the spiritual aspects.

Background: We have been married for 9 years. Last year we went from what is probably normal and common for people with 2 young children-- mediocre sex 1-2x per week, with me not enjoying it, having no libido & being tired ALL the time-- to where we are now, which is making love every single day-- sometimes morning & evening, with me loving it and wanting it all the time. Plus I now have earth shattering O's. And lots of toys. Also, now I get dressed in the full lingerie get-up several times a week, with my awesome black skintight kinky thigh high rubber (5 inch) stiletto boots. Oh yeah also my husband has gone from receiving 1 BJ every 6 months to getting 3-5 per week.

I've most likely kept your attention up to now, but probably not for much longer.
I'll try to explain the spiritual side of things. Some will be uninterested in this, but I am a Christian, and according to my faith "the marriage bed is undefiled". Well this means we can do just about anything that does not involve bringing another person into the mix (this includes porn). So... that's what we do... anything and everything either of us want. There is nothing we won't do for each other.

Our experience of the marriage bed being undefiled is like this... both hubby & I agree that the world is disgusting and awful (well the bad things in the world are anyway); MOST people are shallow & some are malicious; our culture is totally performance driven. Etc etc... basically, the world is "defiled" and it completely breaks us down and destroys our spirit on a daily basis. Making love to my man every day is the only way to escape it all. It is the only place on earth we can go and without fail bask in pure peace and love, without limits. The feelings we get from expressing our love freely are a lot like being on the best roller coaster ever.

I think it's spiritual because I am usually high at night, and my mind tends to wander (I also think people are more open to spiritual things when high). Well I have noticed that if my mind does wander while we are messing around, I can get the super high pure love experience back by meditating on 1 of 2 thoughts: If I think either "I love God" or "I love D----" (my husband), that is all it takes for my worries to completely disappear and for the love roller coaster to return. The more I meditate on that love (either God's love, or my husband's or both), the more likely I will be driven completely out of my mind with pleasure (I'm talking to another universe).

I could explain it better, but my posts are long enough as it is.

Another benefit from having all this sex is that all the natural adrenaline and endorphins help me manage my fibromyalgia (chronic pain condition). All day long, my brain's pain signals are severely amplified, and if I overload on good feelings as much as possible, it counteracts some of the pain.

So anyway, there's my experience of spiritual sex, and my experience of a threesome. I wouldn't go back to the way things were before for a million dollars. Girls, find your inner vixen and get to know her well. Guys, give your woman the kind of love she needs.


Well-Known Member
Hi RetiredToker.... thank you for the well thought out post. I hope you know I wasn't judging you, just giving the other side of the coin. I wanted to demonstrate that spirituality can be expressed sexually in different ways -- which I think you picked up on, so thanks.

Also I gotta say I don't get much from "organized religion" either... I mean basically I'm too Christian for the heathens and quite too much of a heathen for the Christians. I wouldn't dream of going to church, because often you find a bunch of "Christians" but no actual followers of Christ.

Polyamory... I saw a special about it where they followed different couples/ trios around for a year or so. I can understand the draw of it and if the people involved are happy then it's OK with me. However, the program showed both sides of the coin.... polyamory that works and polyamory that doesn't. They showed one trio in which there were 2 "dads" & 1 mom... the woman wanted both lovers. Well the original dad wasn't really so pleased (even though he was initially) but saw no other way to hold on to his wife. As I'm sure you know, it just doesn't work for everyone, and many people do come out of it broken-hearted.

I can see how it could all get started, because I am kinda bisexual myself, as is my husband. (I tend to think most highly sensual people are bisexual). When I came to terms with this a few months ago, I thought should I try to find a "special friend"... I thought it through and as nice as it sounded, I thought 'what if I fell more in love with another woman than I am now with my husband'... that was it for me really- it would break a lot of hearts and be devastating for many in my family if such a thing happened.

So, I skipped that one, but found lots of other things we could do to turn each other on.

I agree with you about society's attitudes about sex... the guilt and the shame... I would like as many people as possible to know that the shame and guilt associated with sex is manufactured by society. I believe that most people have unfulfilling sex lives because of societal guilt & shame, combined with body image issues. I think that it would be good for society to celebrate beauty in all shapes, sizes and colors; then maybe women would feel confident enough to explore this exciting territory.

I respect your point of view and see that you've done a lot of soul searching and are happy with your decision. That's fine with me. However, polyamory isn't for me... do you not still want to be #1 in your wife's heart? I guess you might say there is enough room for everyone... I don't know; sometimes the original lover ends up on the sidelines, and I would hate to be that person.

But in any case, all the best.

p.s. people do misunderstand the term 'defiled' as it simply refers to the ritual clean/ unclean system of Jews... when it was written that 'the marriage bed is undefiled' they were simply using language that was appropriate for the culture in that day; they were talking in a language the audience could understand. I agree we should use different language now.


Well-Known Member
do you not still want to be #1 in your wife's heart? I guess you might say there is enough room for everyone... I don't know; sometimes the original lover ends up on the sidelines, and I would hate to be that person.
Thankfully that has never become an issue with us. There is a crux within polyamory and I freely admit it. There is always a possibility of a perceived shift in the emotional scales. I look at it this way, there's always a chance of losing a lover, wife, girlfriend to another, regardless of relationship style.

The bottom line 'rule' in every poly relationship is that your 'primaries' needs should always come first. Primary of course being your wife or husband. I don't use the 'there's always room for more' argument because it doesn't really 'answer' any questions it sounds like a 'dodge' statement to me. I choose to believe that love doesn't have to be quantified as long as the quality is there. I challenge anyone to find any factor within love that is measurable. So to worry about her loving either of our partners 'more' than me is rather illogical to me. I know we all love each other. Sometimes I end up in the dog house with one or several of the people in the relationship (and vice versa of course) but just because someone is temporarily not liked doesn't mean they're not loved.

If all three of them were to run off together and leave me alone, it would of course hurt, but the likely hood of that happening are slim to none. It takes serious work and committment to make a poly relationship work, but at the end of the day if it's successful it was well worth it.



Well-Known Member
Threesome, marijuana, be open minded, accept loss of love. Lots of good stuff from RT Even though I should unsubscribe because I really don't want to imagine him naked :spew:


Well-Known Member
Threesome, marijuana, be open minded, accept loss of love. Lots of good stuff from RT Even though I should unsubscribe because I really don't want to imagine him naked :spew:
Hell I don't even think of myself naked... Not a good thought :wall:. My lovely wife and the female half of our partner couple... mmmmmmm
